Chapter 10: Surging anger

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"How did you know that?you are amazing!"

"I know because i hate those kind of people the most!they can kill without dirtying their hands,just a bit of ambigious words to a brainless people and it will be done!"

"Ya you are right again that is why the girls in their class are all her enemy because a lot of those brainless fool boys are believing in every words shes saying!"

Xu Lyn smile at Mu Jiao Jiao,she really likes her innocent and childishness,she hopes that she will stay like this!straightforward but kind.

Looking back at Xu Mei's direction her eyes glint and there is unfathomable anger surging within her.

"Mom did you know that Xu Mei is already making a problem!Jiao Jiao said that she already made a lot of enemies in her class!and i saw her today dating with a boy!she is only 11 isnt she?"

Xu Lyn tell her mom while they are cuddling in her bedroom

"Baby her environment before and yours was different so it is to be expected that her growth will be different aswell!"

"But mom!not all who grew in a poor environment are like that!"

"Ofcourse baby!but not only environment will play the role in characters growth!the people around her aswell!"

Xu Lyn look up to her mom with rounded eyes

"Pfft!baby i know we were wrong before!looking back maybe you will be same as her!maybe worse!but we are greatfull that you changed!it is good that even we spoiled you rotten you did grow up well!and i am so proud of darling!"

Xu Lyn's eyes is moist while listening to her mom

"So mom are you saying that aunt Du didnt teacb her well?"

"Maybe yes and no!maybe she just saw it and thought that was okay and her mom never correct her or maybe it was her mom who actually teach her those things"

"She is a bad mom!she should teach sister Mei only decent things!"

Mama Xu laugh at her pouting daughter and shook her head in her innocence thinking to herself that it is not easy the girls looks that she is doing this act for a long time!although not polished but it was decent!that is why a lot of foolish people are being victimized by her meaning she love what she is doing

Hearing the even breathing beside her mama Xu laugh seeing her daughter fell asleep

"Goodnight baby,we are really glad that you grow up well!we love you soo much!"

Kissing her daughter goodnight mama Xu left Xu Lyn's bedroom lightly.

"So what's wrong this time?"

Papa Xu ask when he saw his wife,pulling her in his arms he waited for her to talk

"Lynlyn seems uncomfortable with Xu Mei!do you think she is threatened?"

"Our girl is very smart!do you think that she will feel threaten by that?maybe she is just not use to a person who is blantly trying to ruin the Xus,dont worry i'll do something for that mother and daughter"

Mama Xu nodded and hug her husband more

They have been together for more than 15 years now and the feeling is just getting stronger and stronger.

Xu Lyn heard another humor after a week,it seem that Xu Mei was bullied again but this time its for real.

They said that it was inside the canteen,while eating with 2 boys a older girl pour all her food in her head,the food was not hot so no harm done physically

The girl was the elder sister of the boy she with in the mall.

She loudly curse Xu Mei and calling her  b**** and s*** at the very young age she has learned to be shameless and keep on asking for gifts to her younger brother and if he didnt Xu Mei any she will refuse to talk to him

The girls whisper and look at Xu Mei disgustingly and the clear headed boys shook their heads but the brainless boys argued back.

Xu Mei and the girl was called in the teacher's office,nobody knows what happen inside but after that Xu Mei's name is already ruined.

Maybe this time she will behaved longer
Xu Lyn said to herself, anyway if she stayed like that she will be bullied more,although there is still a braindead boys who will be on her side but the girls is greater in number.

Xu Lyn hopes that she will use her brain more so she will not implicate the Xus

It has been more than 5 years now since she come to this world so she naturally love her family already.

But sometimes she is scared, scared that everything that is happening is just a dream, a wonderful dream so everytime she woke up she wil always look around her to confirm that she is still staying in this world.

But sometimes she is wondering what she will do if the original Xu Lyn came?will she still can happily give the body back to its real owner?

Her mood is natural will fell if she think about it but she have to convince herself to cheer up.

Maybe she will think about what to do when it really happens,so for now enjoying life is her first priority.

The year came fast and Xu Lyn is now 11 so she has to conceal her appearance more,when she just starting she just have to wear a clear eyewear so she will look like a little nerd.

But now her appearance even wearing glass is not enough anymore so she put a long bangs that will coved her eyes and thick braces on her teeth to change her look.

Looking at her reflection Xu Lyn is satisfied with baggy uniform everything now is perfect.

I am too beautiful so i have to hide it to have a lowkey school life.

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