Chapter 41:your answer?

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The table is now clean but Xu Lyn and Sy Tengfei is still there chatting

"So Lynlyn how is my proposal?"

"What proposal?"

"The marriage proposal?"

Xu Lyn almost spurt out the tea she was drinking

"Stop joking around okay?"

She reply after her round of coughing

"I am not joking!is declaration of my love is not passionate enough?i can be more!"

"No!no!no!enough please!already enough!no need for another one!"

'My heart wont be able to take it!'she add in herself

"Then why you arent answering me?tell me whats lacking?flowers?baloons?the ring?i can arrange it now!"

He was about to call when Xu Lyn stop him

"Arent you in a hurry?i mean are you missimg a lot of steps?like woe me first?date me?you know the normal couple would do?and you didnt even ask me if i like you are not right?"

Sy Tengfei's eyes dim a lot darker and ask in a calm tone

"So do you like someone?"

Xu Lyn shook her head so he continue

"So there is no issue anymore!so why not agree to me?"

"Why are you skipping the important part?i dont want to talk to you!talk to me when you are awake!"

"If i dont understand tell me!i am willing to listen to everything you say!"

Xu Lyn inwardly roll her eyes

"If what you say is true then let me go okay?i want to go!i still have a lot of things to do!i am still busy!"

"How i am going to let you go?you still didnt answer me,dont worry about your business,i already have a plan for it!just say a word and we'll start right away!"

Xu Lyn push him away and angrily ask

"Arent you too overbearing again?i want to do it on my own!i want to do step by step!i dont like short cuts unlike you!and i am warning you now!if you ever do something unnecessary i'll tell you!you wont like what i will do to you!"

Sy Tengfei laugh inwardly but still answer meekly

"Okay i promise you!so you want to do it step by step?okay we'll do that!i'll woe you first okay?but promise me that you wont avoid me again okay?if not then i wont promise you what can i do to you aswell!"

Xu Lyn shiver and realize something

"What the?arent we talking about my business?"

Sy Tengfei chuckle at her speechless appearance

"I am really happy that you are finally back!and finally here with me"

Xu Lyn move away from his unbehaving hand in her face

"If you really want to woe me my first condition is let my family agree first!"

Xu Lyn said with a gloat in her eyes but Sy Tengfei just laugh at her that makes her afraid

"Why are you laughing?its only the first one okay?i still have a lot of conditions!"

"Yes maam!"

Xu Lyn is finally free from Sy Tengfei,she didnt know what he is in a hurry for but she is still relief!

Coming home from a exciting and tiring day she wants to rest earlier,before going to bed Xu Lyn was thinking about Sy Tengfei

She thinks that her condition is just right,remembering how her family hate the idea of her coming near him is already shown that her family dislike him

'So maybe he will just give up right?i hope he realise sooner that we are not meant to be!i am never be for him and so is he!'

After calming her mood she sleep early,she still have a lot of things to do but she wants to invite Mu Jiao Jiao for a little relaxation tomorrow

Xu Lyn woke up a little late for some unknown reason

After checking the time she hurriedly freshen up and change her clothes for her appointment with Mu Jiao Jiao

But when she come down she scrab her eyes using her hand when she is done she look again and try to blink again and again

'Maybe i woke up wrong today?because why i am seeing Sy Tengfei in our living room drinking tea with my dad and brother?'

Taking some step back and come back she finally exclaim

"What the hell?!"

Sy Tengfei laugh at her dumbfounded reaction

"Where do you want to go i'll drive!"

Xu Lyn didnt react for a minute and finally ask

"Dad!big brother!why did you let him in?i thought you two will be my strongest shield?"

Papa Xu just chuckle but Xu Bai looks really unwilling she was about to ask more but her mom come out from the kitchen calling

"Lynlyn why not eat first before you leave?we want to eat with Tengfei earlier but he insist on waiting for you!"

Xu Lyn looks really confuse but still follow her mom and invite Sy Tengfei

While eating Xu Lyn cannot wait anymore and finally ask

"So tell me honestly what did you do to my family?did you blaclmail them?i dont understand!they clearly dislike you!"

"So did you purposely make that condition knowing that they hate me?do you think i will give up because of that?"

"Ofcourse i know you will!"

Xu Lyn notice the darken expression of the man in front of her so she rephrase her words

"I mean i want to know if you are real to me!when i chase you it was hard you know?my heart is always inpain!but dont get me wrong!i wont make your heart in pain but i want you to know that chasing a person is not easy!"

"Chasing you!"


"I only want to chase you!so it doesnt matter if others are hard!"

Xu Lyn was dumbfounded yet again this guy's logic is really something!

"But i didnt mean it!i am wrong!i really regret it!if i could go back at that time!sorry Lynlyn,i know i cant justify what i did but what happen before will be the most regretful thing i did and will bear this regret for my entire life"

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