Chapter 55:Dream

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Days and months come and go in a full speed,Xu Lyn is now 7 months pregnant,she is healthy and extra careful

She has private nurses and and 2 OB that is staying with her,

They even build a labor room in their house,all the machines that needed when giving birth is already there

Xu Lyn didnt like the idea but the elders prevail Sy Tengfei who is always following her order this time reject her merciless

So in the end she will give birth at home, but even though you are careful and prepared there is still an accident

Xu Lyn is walking in the garden after her snack,she wants to walk outside but nobody allowed her saying it is dangerous,

There is a huge man made in the garden but it was fenced because she might fall so it was dangerous aswell,but she request to make it a little lower so she can still feed the fish so int the end the fence height is only until her waist

Enjoying her walk beside the fenced lake,humming a nursery song she saw a small stone so she step side ways to avoid it but when she take a side walk

A big dog come running at her at full speed she want to retract her foot but it was already too late the dog already run into her so she fell down really hard,

Her fall is side ways,she protect her belly so she didnt manage to protect her head from bumping into the fence

Xu Lyn felt a sudden pain in her stomach and a warm liquid drip from her head to her face,

She is too dizzy but she is fighting thinking about her baby,she tried to stand up but the pain in her stomach intensify

The help finally came,she was carried hurriedly,the pain is getting more and more intense Xu Lyn cried not because of pain but because there is a lot of blood coming down from her,

"Doc!please please,save my baby!save them"

The OB look at her a little panic but still suggested

"You will be fine so stop panicking!"

Xu Lyn nodded but she felt that she is about to faint

"Doc i cant,i cant,anymore,i felt too dizzy and too weak"

"No you cannot sleep!you have to keep awake!we have to bring out your babies first!just stay awake okay?you cannot sleep yet for your baby!"

Xu Lyn heard it so she keep herself awake she didnt know what is happening all she knew is that she had to fight!fight for the babies

Meanwhile outside the delivery room the Xu and Sy are waiting outside in full panick!they didnt expect that this will happen,the elderly men almost had an heart attack and the women almost collapse but they quickly gather their strength and go to Xu Lyn

Sy Tengfei is worst,he didnt know how he arrive home and he didnt know how he is still standing in front of the delivery room all in his mind now is what the OB told him

"Madam has to under go early delivery,the fall is really bad,her head was hit hard so she is really dizzy,but she is fighting but we dont know untill when she will stay awake but please be prepare for the worst"

He is praying,praying for whoever that please!please keep Xu Lyn safe!

He is selfish,he can survive without a child but his life is Xu Lyn,he dont know what will happen to him if Xu Lyn,he dont want to think but he is still praying for some miracle

Xu Lyn felt that her consciousness is about to leave her but she keeps on holding on,how many times she felt that she will faint but her mind is thinking about her babies

After almost like forever she finally heard a loud baby cry,so she summon all her strength and push the other baby out,

She smile when she heard the two babies cry and she felt that everything turn dark and she felt that her soul is pulled out

When the delivery room door is open,the OB's face said it all,grandma Xu fell down with mama Xu,Xu Bai punch the wall and Sy Tengfei's whole world become dark.

Xu Lyn woke up feeling her back a sore,she hurriedly sat up looking around and saw an unfamiliar yet familiar room,

Xu Lyn cried,cried hard for the lost yet not,she cried because of happiness and bitterness

Happiness because atleast she experience a lot because of that dream,experience to love,to hate,to have a loving family,have a best husband,get pregnant and even gave birth,too bad that she didnt see the twins face

Bitterness because why she was given the best dream but woke up the next morning?are all dream is fleeting?

Crying a for a long time,she finally look at her 30sqm appartment,and cry again, but she still have to face the reality right?

But can she still moarn for the lost dream?calling aunt Qi to inform her that she cant go to work,aunt Qi ask worriedly what has happen but she just said about her period so she agreed and remind her kindly,

Xu Lyn smiled bitterly and cried again,she stay in her appartment for 2 days and go out after,

Looking around at the whole place she inhale the familiar smell of the city,sitting in a small park and look around she finally calmed down and smile 'this is my reality!although that felt real but it was not!so i need to face it wether i like it or not!

When she finally came to work,aunt Qi look at her worriedly but she just smile and thank her and proceed the work,

At first she felt knew but later on everything proceed to normal.

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