Chapter 43:felt extra beautiful

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Xu Lyn just shrug her shoulder and refuse to answer,its just she cant but she felt her tears will roll down if she talk so she just focus in her food

Sy Tengfei look at her,seeing her refuse to talk he just stop talking aswell but his fist tighten,but calm himself down and start eating silently bur didnt forget giving Xu Lyn food she likes

After the awkward breakfast Xu Lyn finally breath freely

"I'll be leaving now!bye!"

But before she can run away her hand was held

"I'll drive you!where do you want to go?"

"No need!i know how to drive and we have drivers aswell!no need to disturb you!"

"Not disturbance at all!let me!i am chasing you remember?"

After that he stuff her inside his car and wave to Xu Lyn's parents

Xu Lyn didnt have a chance to say bye to her family,so she just wave her hand but still speechless on what just happen!

"Do you know how to woe?its impolite to just make a decision for others you know?what if i already call someone to drive for me?"

"Then i'll just let the driver follow us!"


Xu Lyn's tongue tied appearance are always bringing delight on Sy Tengfei,after laughing he held her hands while driving but Xu Lyn wants to take it back but he warned

"Lynlyn dont make trouble!cant you see i am drving!"

Xu Lyn bulge her cheeks and look at the shameless man but stop struggling,Sy Tengfei chuckle again and finally let go,although he didnt ever want to let go but her safety is his number 1 priority.

Mu Jiao Jiao's eyes almost fell when she saw the scene when Sy Tengfei is hovering over Xu Lyn like a empress dowager

"Your highness empress dowager Sy Gong gong has return!"

Mu Jiao Jiao announce when Sy Tengfeu comeback with the shoe size Xu Lyn wanted

"I think this mall will close sooner!"

"Why do you say so?"

Mu Jiao Jiao ask while giggling

"The sale assistants is all useless!"

Mu Jiao Jiao laugh loudly and say

"Its your loyal servant who wants to do it personally!i can feel our Lynlyn's beauty is more shining and moving!"

Sy Tengfei kneel down in front of Xu Lyn when he arrive and try the shoes in her feet personally

"I can do it myself!i have my hands you know!"

Mu Jiao Jioa sneeker and answer for Sy Tengfei

"Let your loyal servant dirty his hand for you empress dowager!"

"Jiao Jiao shut up!"

Xu Lyn said weekly while looking around,she blush furiously when she saw too many people at the mall were looking at them she really wants to find a hole to burry herself

"Sy Tengfei!stop this already!this is too embarrasing okay?people are looking!"

"What is wrong helping my love in her shopping?"

Xu Lyn blushed more deeply and finally compromise

"Okay why not let me and Jiao Jioa shop first and when we are done i'll call you so we can eat dinner together?only the 2 of us!"

Sy Tengfei is contemplating really hard like he is facing a billion deal

"Okay!i'll just go now but promise to call me okay?"

Xu Lyn push him and nodded and promise him repeatedly

"I am still having fun!Lynlyn why did you let him leave?"

Xu Lyn ignore her and go to another store but before she enter Sy Tengfei came back

"Here buy as much as you want!"

After puting a black card in her hand he left swiftly

Xu Lyn's mouth twitch and inwardly scream 'I HAVE A MONEY!I DONT NEED YOURS!'

"ooh!i say Sy Tengfei is really generous!just stuffing a black card in your hand!is he not afraid you'll bankrupt him?"

Xu Lyn pout and stuff the card in her bag and plan not to use it but her phone made a ding sound indicating that she has a message

"If you didnt use my card i'll come back to accompanuly you personally"

Xu Lyn grit her teeth when she see the message and really want to hit someone!

'Fine then!let see how much your card's limit!'

In the end Xu Lyn didnt manage to know the limit the card,her conscience wont allow it,although she swipe it but to not just let the crazy man come to her again!

"Why did you buy so little?you just swipe my card twice!"

Sy Tengfei ask her begrudgingly after her shopping

Xu Lyn inwardly roll her eyes but still explain so he will not pester her about it again

"Shopping is one of the women's way of relaxation!buy the things if you want and dont if you dont!that easy"

Sy Tengfei made a grunt but in his mind he still didnt understand but ofcourse his wife is always right!

"Where do you want to eat?"

"Anywhere is fine!dont worry about me,i miss the food in here so i can eat anything!by the way Sy Tengfei i want to arrange a reunion with Feng Lan,Ye Ai,Fu Ping,Jiao Jiao and you,what do you think?"

"I am available anytime you want!"

Sy Tengfei answer with all seriousness but Xu Lyn regret asking him!this shameless man!

Sy Tengfei choose a authentic restaurant that Xu Lyn like the most,while eating Xu Lyn remember something

"So tell me what happen this past 7 years?why you and my family seems become friendly with each other?"

Sy Tengfei smirk at her doubtful expression and explain good naturedly

"Last year there was a huge fight in Xus!your second and 3rd uncle made an alliance to the Xus enemy to overthrow your dad as the patriarch,i heard about the news so i offer a little help,first ofcourse they decline it but when the fight become more savage  i tried again but decline again at the end it was my parents who come to your door,i dont know what they say or do but after that they agreed beautifully!"

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