Chapter 53:ever after

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Xu Lyn woke up almost lunch time but her body is still aching,massaging her sore waist she use her all her pebble strength to sit up and unsurprisingly she failed!

Giving up she just look at the ceiling like a salted fish while cursing the beast as in BEAST!she dont want to think about the what happened last night but she still wants to curse the BEAST!

Xu Lyn is still cursing in her mind when the satiated beast came in with a widest grin he have ever made

"Wife you awake?hungry?i already made your favorite"

He didnt manage to finish his words because he saw how wronged she looks,

Sy Tengfei stiffle his laugh and comfort his wife with a apologetic expression

"Sorry wife!i didnt control myself well last night!tonight i will be more gentle i swear!"

Xu Lyn widen her eyes and angryly roar

"You!what do you mean tonight?no!you will sleep separately do you hear me?"

Sy Tengfei scratch his ears but still try to fawn more

"Wife wife i'll feed you!so just sit back and relax okay?come here let me help you up!"

Xu Lyn purse her lips and let him serve her well,his at fault anyway so let him be!

Awhile later he said

"Baby the family came earlier,but you were still asleep so they let you rest"

Xu Lyn blush when she heard it thinking how to face the family later on?she dont have the guts!and not as shameless as the man beside him

"They were asking when is the wedding,but i said that they decide when,but i still want to give you the best wedding so they can decide the date and i want you to choose everything"

She smiled sweetly when he says she hug him and thank him

"Thank you,but for me the wedding is not much important,for me the most important is you!as long that its you wedding are not issue"

Sy Tengfei felt he had eaten the sweetest candy,kissing his and hugginh his wife is still sweater though

"Wife but i want to give you the grandest wedding that i can give!what to do?"

Xu Lyn smile and suggested

"Why not we do just simple one?the most important people in our lives will witness the most important step in our life!how is that?"

"Okay!we will do as you say,so its settle then,i will call the family to inform them"

Xu Lyn nodded but remember something

"What about the engagement banquet?the date has been set right?"

Sy Tengfei chuckle

"It will change into wedding banquet then"

Xu Lyn giggle and push him out so she can rest peacefully

Sy Tengfei just shook his head helplessly when he was kicked out of their bedroom

But remember that she is finally his wife so its fine,he has forever with her.

After a day Xu Lyn can finally stand and walk,she didnt allow the beast to make a move on her last night saying that they still has to visit the family so they just hug and kiss and sleep

Although Sy Tengfei is a little dissatisfied but hugging his wife in his sleep is still better.

They first came into the Xu estate,when they arrive most of Xu Lyn's thing has been pack so her face darken

"Am i being kick out?"

Mama Xu giggle

"Darling ofcourse not,we just dont want you to get tired doing this things"

Xu Lyn's face didnt improve a little pouting her lips and decided to just sit down

While every one is busy asking Sy Tengfei about the wedding Xu Bai come to Xu Lyn

"Have you called JiaoJiao?"

Xu Lyn's eyebrow rose and nodded

"I called her yesterday,brother dont worry,i am not mad at her,you know how much i love her right?"

Xu Bai chuckle and shook his head,ye he knows and he knows how much Mu Jiao Jiao loves Xu Lyn that everything else is second,including him

Xu Lyn laugh at the defeateed expression of his brother,she already notice the peculiarity of these two since ages!

They didnt tell her anything so she just ignore it aswell!

But maybe now that she is already settled they will start what they should?

Shaking her head she decided to wait a bit longer,if after her wedding still nothing happen then she will make a move for her bestfriend and bigbrother life long happiness!

Xu Lyn is busy schemming so she didnt hear what the topic is about so she heard about her and Sy Tengfei's baby her soul almost flew out her body

"What baby?"

"You are so out so you didnt know that your child is now in his middle school?"

Xu Bai tease but Xu Lyn bit back

"Then you are now become an singel old man?"

"Hey!are you cursing your brother?"


The elders just shook their head on the siblings banter but continue the topic

"Lynlyn as we said earlier why not have a child earlier?so later on it wont be too difficult to you?"

Xu Lyn think for a while and honestly said

"Grandma dont worry about it,i want to get pregnant naturally!i dont mind having a child early or later what do you think?"

Turning to her husband to ask but as always whatever the wife wants

"Dont ask me,anything goes whatever you want,i dont have any opinion"

Xu Lyn smile sweetly so the child topic is finally done

The couple decide left the Xu house after dinner,

After bath Sy Tengfei capture Xu Lyn and didnt give her a chance to decline,but this time he didnt push her to her limit and let her rest even he is just half satisfied

But they still need to meet the Sy so he dont want to anger her wife that is why he have to greatly restrain himself.

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