Chapter 29:was never meant to be

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"Wwwaaahhhhh!stupid Lynlyn!huhuhuhu!you didnt do anything bad!it w-w-was m-m-me who didnt do any good!d-d-dont worry!my parents they did not get mad at you!they know you did nothing wrong!dont cry anymore okay?dont worry about me my parents didnt punish me!stop crying okay?"

"Its good if that's the case!but Jiao Jiao i wont be going to school for 3 days!its my punishment!and i accept it willingly!"

"Okay okay let us accept it!dont cry anymore okay?"

Xu Lyn laugh lightly when Mu Jiao Jiao heard it she was relief and shift the topic into something else

She know her bestfriend is really sad from what happen today so she can only lighten her sadness even just a little bit.

Sy Tengfei is already waiting for Xu Lyn but the class is already starting he still didnt her he frown and subconsiously take out his phone be his eyes constricted he dont have her number!cursing himself inwardly he will just ask Mu Jiao Jiao later then

So when the bell rang Sy Tengfei directly ask

"Classmate Mu!what about Xu Lyn?"

Mu Jiao Jiao snort

"Why would i answer your question?why not call her to ask?oooh i forgot!you didnt even ask her number!sorry!even i know how she likes you i still think you dont deserved her!"

After that Mu Jiao Jiao turn around and didnt pay anymore attention to the annoying guy!

Sy Tengfei sat back while trying to lessen his anxiety!

He was really wrong!he wanted to apologize yesterday after cleaning up those bastards! He wants to go to her house but what he will tell her and her family?

He is already making a huge mistake!he wants to correct it but it is still not the time!

Sometimes he wants to quit!he wants to be just an ordinary citizen!but he cant!he cant turn his back from his duties and responsibilities!

The whole day Sy Tengfei is absent minded he tried asking Mu Jiao Jiao for how many time but she is just too hard!

Going back to where he is staying he clear his mind and haste his investigation he already found a lot of lead!

They thought that the thugs is with the enemy but they found out that they are just paid thugs!

Finding all the evidence they found out that the one who paid them is a student from the same school!and a girl in the infamous class,class 7!

After turning them over to the police they give the school the evidence about what the student did.

After hours of working Sy Tengfei massage the back of his neck and look at the clues he gathered!

After looking hard he hurriedly run to the captain!

Xu Lyn woke up clutching her hand again!

But her dream is getting clearer and clearer now but she was still confused!

"Major general's little princess"

She didnt know why she suddenly remember this book she read it when she was in her last year in middle school but the story is still unclear to her!

What is happening?

What is with that book?and why her heart is in so much pain everytime she remember the book's name?

The reason is unclear but the pain is real!

Her question is getting hard and hard to answer!massaging her aching chest she stamd up to drink some water

While walking down the stairs she inavertly glance at a painting that is too out of place in the living room

"Its like a they will never meant to be!the painting and the living room!"

She suddenly stop walking cry 'will never meant to be!' Every words feels like a stab in her heart!clutching her chest again she decided to just go back in her room and cry

She didnt know what time she stop crying or when she slept but before falling a sleep the words will never meant to be are keep on echoing in her mind.

Sy Tengfei decide to try asking Mu Jiao Jiao,when the lunchbreak comes Mu Jiao Jioa decided to vent all her anger

"Stop being nice already if you will not be responsible!mu bestfriend is so nice!it is the first time she liked someone!i thought that she will finally found her happiness but i was wrong!since she started chasing you her smile keep on deminishing each moments!her spirit keep on weaking everytime you turn down the cooked food and the cakes she made for you!everytime she tried to give her gift to you and you being a jerk keep on making a excuse for not accepting it her heart is slowly breaking!she had to wake up everyday just to bake and cook for you!it was the first her first time knitting!for her learning that thing is boring,but for you she learned it!do you know how many times her finger was stabbed and bled but she keeps knitting!i want to keep her cheerful self but everytime you meet her its worst!she is getting worser  amd worser!"

Mu Jiao  Jiao breath deeply she didnt noticed that she already crying,but after wiping her tears she continue

"That day we didnt follow you,she told me that she dreamt that something bad will happen to Feng Lan!i am her bestfriend so i believed her!i want to tell you that but she stopped me because she told me you will not believe it surely!but i dont care anymore wether you think that we are crazy!i just want to tell you so you will feel guilt even just a bit!and by the way she is very sensitive about feelings of other people!she can feel if you are mad,happy,sad and even lying!"

Breathing heavily again she look straight into his eyes and said slowly

It Wasnt Suppose To Be Like This!Where stories live. Discover now