Chapter 12: Can i chase you?

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"Okay class dismiss"

When the teacher left the student start to clamor

"Really disappointing!and here i thought that it will be a handsome student but another nerd again!tsk tsk"

Xu Lyn stand up abruptly causing the chair to make a loud noise

"What is wrong with being a nerd?did we do something to your family?did we steal your food?did we destroy your house?tell me!"

The other students shut up when Xu Lyn suddenly talk loudly,

Normaly she was just silent and very amiable,didnt expect that she will burst like this

"Okay okay enough!you guys shouldnt bully the new classmate like that!that was impolite!"

When the class representative finally talks nobody made another remarks anymore

Xu Lyn snorted and smile and the new classmate

Sy Tengfei already expected that this will happen but didnt expect that he will be cover by another nerd

Feeling a bit shock he look at the girl secretly and saw her smiling at him brightly

"Hello classmate Sy!i am Xu Lyn,16 years old i was born at 3rd day of 8th month, born and race in capital and can i chase you?"

Sy Tengfei's eyes was calm at first ofcourse he new all the students in the school it was actually part of their assignment and all of them has been investigated

Xu Lyn one of the scholars of the school,always first since she start study,brought a lot of awards for the school amd country from competition from local to international quite impressive that is why it was the most easy to remember

But when he heard the last part he dont know how to react, the report already says that she is bold but he didnt expect that she will be this bold!

"Sorry not interested"

He answer her while dodging her eyes

Xu Lyn cover her lips and look at him while trembling

Sy Tengfei thought that she will cry but he was shock again by her reaction

"Ahhh!i really like you!please let me okay?i promise that i will do my best!i wont let you down okay?"

Before he could answer the teacher already came in so he shut his mouth and decide to just ignore her

But he didnt expect that she will be too persistent!

When the break came Xu Lyn call him

"Classmate Sy!want to eat with us?you are new here so let us be your guide okay?"

Mu Jiao Jiao's eyes widened when she see Xu Lyn acting like this, while looking hard she saw how her best friend eyes gleaming

Mu Jiao Jiao laugh secretly and gave Xu Lyn with knowing look

Ofcourse as a bestfriend she should support her

"Yes!yes! Classmate Sy let our Lynlyn show you around!you wont feel bored i swear!"

Because most of the student are already so nobody could hear them although the students throw a glance at the trio but they did not much give them any interest

"No need,i have to go somewhere"

Xu Lyn did already expect thus so she just happily send him off

"Lynlyn tell me the truth!are you for real thus time?"

Ask Mu Jiao Jaio while eating their lunchbox at the back garden

"I am actually just as surprise as you!when i first saw him i thought the whole world stop!and my heartbeat is so fast!if its not liking then what is it?"

Mu Jiao Jiao almost jump out of excitement byt manage to stop herself

"I am so happy for you Lynlyn!but still goodluck for you!he seems not easy to chase!"

"I believe that perserverance is the key!and if i work more harder i can definitely touch him and make him like me aswell!"

Mu Jiao Jiao pat her shoulder for encouragement

After the break Xu Lyn and Mu Jiao Jaio happily come back to the classroom but Xu Lyn was disappointment when she didnt see Sy Tengfei but thinking that the class was about to start so she happily sat down and wait for him.

Sy Tengfei came in right before the bell rang,Xu Lyn pout slightly but in the end can only sigh helplessly

Sy Tengfei can feel the fleeting gaze time after time at his back but he just ignores it

After the class Xu Lyn call him hurriedly

"Classmate Sy! did you eat?here juice i dont know what you want so just choose okay?"

"No need"

"Ooh!okay, but you can just keep them!maybe youll get thirsty later!"

After that she shove the bag full of drinks in his desk

He was just about to refuse again but the teacher all ready came in

Xu Lyn smiled triumphantly when the teacher came in

Finally realizing that the girl at his back Sy Tengfei know why the girl was keep on looking at him so he just going to accept the drinks.

Although he is indifirent but because he is a soldier so he has to consider the girl,if she will be distracted in her study because of him it will be bad and he will not gonna allow it.

Xu Lyn will never forget her priority and that is her promise to herself and her family

So even she wants to keep looking at Sy Tengfei's back but she has to concentrate to her study.

Xu Lyn just talk to Sy Tengfei when the class was finally over

"Classmate Sy are you going home now?why not lets it icecream first?there is a dessert shop in front"

"No need"

Sy Tengfei answer before Xu Lyn even finish her words

"Ooh!okay!then see you tomorow!take care!"

Su Tengfei didnt even look back and walk straight ahead

Xu Lyn smile at herself and left with Mu Jaio Jaio while skipping

Until Xu Lyn arrive home she was in a goodmood

Even eat extra bowl of rice even she is eating alone

The butler was smiling aswell seeing this although the reason why the young miss is extra happy but it as long as the young miss is happy.

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