Chapter 48:i am glad

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After all the emotions subside Sy Tengfei remember that they still hasnt eaten yet

"Wait here,i'll cook for us"

Xu Lyn stood up wanted to do it herself but he decline directly

"I promised you that i will do everything,so just stay there and wait okay?"

Xu Lyn dont have a choice but to wait while messaging Mu Jiao Jiao

'Jiao jiao Sy Tengfei and i are now officially together!'

'Ooh?it takes more time than i expected!what happen?'

Xu Lyn look at the unsurprise reaction of Mu Jiao Jioa so she ask

'Why you are not surprise?did you know this will happen a long time ago?'

'Hahaha!every one in the circle know that Sy Tengfei is waiting for the Xu princess!'

Xu Lyn's lips twitch

'What is that sentence supposed to mean?i dont quite understand!'

'The meaning is clear!he has been announcing to every one in the circle that he wants you!he is hitting two birds with one stone!'

Xu Lyn is still skeptical


'You are really are slow in this kind of things!the first reason is that no woman will come near him or will have any idea to him and the second reason is that no one will come and try to woe you!he already build a wall around you so no one will dare anymore!you get it now?'

'Thank you master for enlightement!'

'Worthy to be my appreantice!fast learner!just like her master!'

Su Lyn giggles in their conversation she was about to reply but Sy Tengfei is calling her so she just sent her a talk to you later message

Xu Lyn eyes widen at the lavish dishes at the table

"Wow!you seems skillful!"

Sy Tengfei chuckle and pull a chair for her and thank her

"Thank you chef for the compliment"

Xu Lyn giggles,looked at the foods and start trying it,after the first bite her eyes brighten

"Delicious!why not work in my restaurant?i will not wrong you!"

Sy Tengfei smile deepen while declining politely

"Chef i just want to cook for you"

Xu Lyn just laugh and brushed off the topic and start devouring the food Sy Tengfei made,it is really good!she thinks it is better than what she cooks!is all male lead this omnipotent?

Because she felt bitter so she just burried herself on eating!

"Slow down!no one will snatch your food"

Sy Tengfei said helplessly but Xu Lyn heed no mind into his reminder.

After the meal Sy Tengfei helplessly give his wife a stomach medicine while massaging slightly

"See now?i told you to eat slowly"

"Its not about eating fast!i just over ate a little!it was your fault anyway,you cook really good!"

Sy Tengfei laugh aloud and admit it hurriedly

"Yes its me!its my fault,sorry wife"

Xu Lyn giggles and hug him feeling a little emotional

"Sy Tengfei thank you!i am happy now!"

Sy Tengfei burried his face in her neck and breath in her unique scent while hugging her back,

"You dont know how much i am happy Lynlyn,i felt complete,you complete me,my life without is not life at all!"

"Hehehe,you are so sweet!but tell me the truth first,did you really purposely spread to the whole circle that you are waiting for me?"

He was stupify for a moment and admitted slowly

"You dont know that almost all men saw you before consider you as their first love?and they were a lot of wolves wants to lurk around you so i have to protect my most precious treasure!do they really think that i will give them even a slight chance to come near you?over my dead body!so when the news leek about me waiting for you huh!they all quieten down,and its good that they know their limit"

Xu Lyn cant help herself from laughing more while listening to his explanation,although his voice is getting darker and darker but this still give her a delightful feeling,knowing that he is really jealous means that she is really in his heart!because of the bubbling feeling she cant help herself to kiss him voluntary

Ofcourse Sy Tengfei accepted the kiss happily

At first it was just gentle but Sy Tengfei plunge more dipper

After all is done Xu Lyn didnt know how she convinced SyTengfei to bring her home,he seems really inclined on letting her stay in his home

Arriving at the Xu house Xu Lyn thought they are having a family reunion,she look at the man beside her and he guiltily admit

"Babe i dont want to keep it from your family, my intention is clean i dont want to act sneakily behind their backs"

Xu Lyn shake her head with a helpless expression and decided to face her family to tell them personally

The Xus living room is abuzz,Xu Lyn didnt know why at first everything is fine,the conversation is smooth but why now mama Xu and grandma Xu is arguing with papa Xu,grandpa Xu and bigbrother

"Lynlyn is still young!why you seems really incline in selling Lynlyn!"

"Who is selling Lynlyn you old fool!Lynlyn is already in her right age!Tengfei is told us from the beggining what is his plan!you all agree"

Grandpa and grandma Xu argue

"Mom we all agree that he will chase our Lynlyn,but not anything else!"

"Arent you being unreasonable?what do you mean not anything else?are you saying that now he is successful in chasing Lynlyn everything is done?arent you afraid that your daughter's reputation will be ruined?"

Papa and mama Xu bicker

"Mom we are not in some ancient times,now girls with ex boyfriends,ex fiancee or ex husbands are all nothing anymore"

Brother Xu reason out Xu Lyn look at the man who hears nothing beside her wanting to punch his face,

If not for him coming here today it will not happen,sighing defeatedly she start giving out teas in her family

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