Chapter 4: acceptance

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Xu Lyn is sitting in her study table while studying the Xu family, because the little girl suddenly disappear so she needs to work more hard for this new family of hers, because she grew up on a normal household so she doesnt have much idea about rich and powerful family like Xus.

But according to the novels she read mostly it will be power struggle, you will be eaten alive if you will be weak amd coward.

She doesnt have to worry now because she is just 5 but what will happen when she grows up?

In a huge family marriage for convinient is normal but she will rather stay single rather to be sell.

After accepting this unscientific thing called rebirth Xu Lyn decided that she will experience averything this time!

Her timidly will change!her ordinary grades will change!she will be a study goddess in this life!she will go to college and study what she really want! And this time she will make sure to experience romance! Eeh oh my god im blushing!

While squelling at herself amd fanning blushing chubby cheeks a knock suddenly came.

After calming herself she open the door and smiled brightly at the young boy at the door

"Big brother! I miss you!but why you didnt eat dinner with me? Dont you like Lynlyn anymore?"

Xu Bai the older brother who loves and spoil for her aswell, the one of the reason why she was unreasonable.

As the older brother his looks is just like Xu Lyn, even he is only 10 years old now she can already guest how many girls or even boys will lay their selves for him.

Xu Lyn felt sorry for the people who will fall for her brother but she cant do anything but sigh in her heart

"Sorry lynlyn, brother was late, and i dont want you to eat late dinner so i ask butler Zao to eat alone, no next time okay?but since big brother is wrong here is my apology"

Xu Lyn's eyes shoned extra bright when she saw a box of straberry cupcakes, she always love cakes,cookies, brownies and all! She kiss her brothers cheeks naturally and start eating of the cakes.

Xu Bai shook his head helplessly but smiled dotingly and remind her to brush her teeth before sleep and bid goodnight to his younger sister.

He is not what they call siscon but he will surely do anything for his younger sister,and even she has unreasonable temper he didnt mind because he doesnt think its bad at all.

If Xu Lyn will heat what he was thinking he will surely puke a bucket of blood!sure its not bad!its extremely bad!!!but too bad she cannot.

While feasting at her cakes Xu Lyn start to study the family start from father Xu.

Xu Bin, age 35 years old, eldest in Xu and the next patriarch, not just because of his age but because of his means.

Quiet and subtle, that is how he do his work, many of his cousin tried so hard to deal with him but all of them ended in sorry state, his brother never dared to clash with him at the surface but most of the Xu knows the truth.

Because his brothers didnt do anything out of line so he is just letting them but, everytime they are doing something under the table even just a little he is giving it back twice, so he is firm at his post.

The looks is dashingly handsome ofcourse, many women tried to throw themselves at him but they just ended up crying he is loyal to his wife Tang Lou the mother of his son amd daughter.

Tang Lou, 35 years the childhood sweetheart of Xu Bin,the Tang family is not as rich and powerful like Xus but thier family has already firm since ancient time.

Mama Lou inherit thier Tang family business although compare to Xu its relatively small but it was build long time ago so mama Lou have to do her best to make it larger and stronger.

Mama Lou is very beautiful, very, thats were Xu Lyn took her angelic face, except her straight hair because her mother has wavy hair, it was from papa Xu.

Xu Bai her big brother 10 years old, matured earlier than his peers because he is the eldest grandson so he was trained earlier than anyone else.

This is Xu Lyn's new family, they are really loving although always busy and the way they spoil the little princess is wrong but they just loved her so much so blaming them is little hard but wrong is wrong and bad is bad.

Grandpa Xu and grandma Xu is the most extreme of them all!

They are the people who spoils her the most! Because they only have 3 sons and never had a daughter and it takes very long time to have a granddaughter so when Xu Lyn is born they gave her a lot of things, big and small, expensive and extremely rare.

Because of those material things they gave her that is why she grew up not necessary need anything but if take fancy on anything she will take it away, not asking for it but taking it by force.

She never wants anything she sees in malls or store, she always wants the things that already owed by some one else, but the people around her are letting her go and even helping her to clean up her mess.

And the rest of the Xu, Xu Lyn just ignore them, anyway she is not the smartest but she can feel who is the enemy and who is the foe, so for now she will not care about them but if they do something that is not so good to her she will surely retaliate.

But if the oponent is not strong, she will surely let her father deal with them (°^°).

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