Chapter 13: i just like you

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Xu Lyn woke up extra early today,she plans to make simple lunchbox for Sy Temgfei

She already know that he will surely decline this but she still want to make food for him

Arriving at the school much more earlier Xu Lyn sat in her chair

Her excitement since yesterday never diminish, because there is over an hour before the class so Xu Lyn decide to read while waiting

Mu Jiao Jiao giggle when she saw Xu Lyn already sitting in her chair

"Isnt our Lynlyn is a bit more enthusiastic?what time you woke up?"

After nudging Xu Lyn for a while Mu Jiao Jiao is satisfied and sit on her desk

"I woke up 3 hours more than my usual woke up time!see see!i cook food!i want to give it to him,even though i know that he will not take it but still want to give it to him"

Mu Jiao Jiao cover her mouth and look at her bestfriend with amazement

"Our Lynlym is really grown up!i am so proud of you!"

Xu Lyn laugh at Mu Jiao Jiao's exaggerated reaction

"Jiao Jiao you are really dramatic!"

Before Mu Jiao Jiao could react she saw Sy Tengfei coming in,because there is only a little time before the class start so Mu Jiao Jiao left with a mischievous smile

"Good morning clasamate Sy!have you eaten?here i bring a extra food you can have it!"

Sy Tengfei didnt even look back,with uninterested voice he decline

"I ate so no need!"

Even though Xu Lyn already expected it but there is still tinge of dissappointment but still cheered up

"Its okay!its good that you ate and you can eat in time!why not take it and eat it lunch?"

"I already have"

"Then thats good!what about water?see i have extra aswell!"


Sy Tengfei said without letting her finish,he already made a decision to be as ruthless as he can be so the little girl will stop already!

"Then its fine"

Xu Lyn didnt push anymore,he seems really did not want it so she just hide the lunchbox and water under her desk.

When Xu Lyn stop talking,Sy Tengfei stop paying attention to her

He is now full of their mission, the Captain let him use his original name because who will think that the undercover will use its real name and even the elusive  Sy Tengfei? His name is widely known inside and outside the country!

So using it can cause a confusion so mostly the enemy will focus in him.

So he didnt want to get close to any of this boys and girls knowing it will dangerous.

His other coleague are already close to the mission target, now they become friends, having a woman in this mission is really big help!

Xu Lyn didnt pester Sy Tengfei much that day just greeting and talking a bit

Sy Tengfei thought that she finally give up but he was surprised again when he saw a little cupcakes in his desk with a not

'Classmate Sy try it!its delicious!'(^_^)

Sy Tengfei pinch his eyebrows he already who this sweet came from

"I dont like sweets"

He said after returning it!he was taling aback when he saw that she seems to already expect that he will give it back

He didnt understand why she still keep on trying but he was more shock when she took a box in her desk again

"This lime cup cakes is nit too sweet!the sourness and sweetness is greatly combined so you will like it!"

"I dont like cakes!"

Xu Lyn nodded at look at him straight and ask with great interest

"So what you want?tell me?i'll give it to you!"

Sy Tengfei didnt know how to react when facing her eyes saying tell me!quick!quick!even the sun,moon and stars!even myself i'll give to you happily!

Sy Tengfei is relieve when the bell ring,he really didnt know how to interact with this girl anymore!

Xu Lyn was a bit dissappointed that he didnt answer her but its fine,

She will definitely hear from him what he really likes and not!

"Too bad for classmate Sy!he didnt know that your cakes are extra rare and delicious!i dont know if i should thank him or slap his head!"

Mu Jiao Jiao's complain while break in their favorite spot

Xu Lyn laugh and pat her shoulder indicating her to slow down on eating

"Its fine, i know i'll surely will know what he likes and dislikes!and i am happy doing this"

Mu Jiao Jiao look at her like saying 'you are really in trouble girl!'

Xu Lyn just smile,she already know that she is really in deep trouble!its like she is trap in quicksand the more she tries to resist the more she will be suck down

So why bother resist?it will be the same anyway.

She just hope that this quicksand is not that deep

If it is not?then maybe she'll be soffucated right?

Shaking her head to dispel the negative thoughts Xu Lyn look ahead and make a fist

'I'll be fine!i'll succeed!"

After cheering herself Xu Lyn follow Mu Jiao Jiao back

Xu Lyn sigh when she see the chair in front of her is still empty

Sometimes she wants to follow him to know where he is staying!

But she know it wont be good,mayve for now be a little bit closer to him is already a huge of step forward their relationship!

Xu Lyn blush hard when she imagine Sy Tengfei and her are being together!

She duck on her table and hide herself between the table and a book and wants to scream!

'Oh my gosh!ahahaha!what should i do if i become his girlfriend?where to date?what if i wont let go of his hand while holding hand?oh No!what if my hand become sweaty?gosh!i am shy!'

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