Chapter 37:what the?

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Xu Lyn is inside the elevator while talking to Mu Jiao Jiao,their real plan is to come in the reunion together but she didnt know what came inside her besfriend mind that she cancel their arrangement

"Because it is really impolite to just cancel the agreed engagement 3 hours before our meeting time"

While educating Mu Jiao Jiao the elevator door open and came a group of people

Xu Lyn didnt look up but still emmerse in herself in talking

"Did you become the class rep wife?because i really dont understand why did you have to come earlier than everybody else!you're not even the one who arrange the reunion!spill everything now!"

While busy teasing Mu Jiao Jioa she didnt know that the new comer was looking at her,different kind of look,but there is one that looking at her with burning gaze

Xu Lyn literally throw her phone when she heard a woman scream her name

"Xu Lyn?XU LYN!I finally get to meet you again!"

Xu Lyn look up blankly and she look at a magnified face looking at her aswell

She blinked 3 times and finally recover from the shock

"Goodness!gracious!is the women in this country become this passionate!really makes a heartbeat stop!"

Before she even stop her words a giggle was heard inside the elevator

Xu Lyn finally noticed the other 3 person inside,the girl who just giggle smile at her

"Hi classmate Xu!i hope you still remember me!"

Xu Lyn look blankly around and suddebly remember something,she look at her hand,when she saw it was empty she panick

"Oh my god!i just throw my best friend away!Jiao jiao!where are you?"

"Here you go!"

She look at the super handsome man in front of her,when she look at his dark eyes she panick again so when she take back her phone her hand is slightly shaking

When his hand graze at her while recieving the phone she shivered innavertly that cause to accidently push the loudspeaker botton

"LYNLYN!LYNLYN!you okay?what happen?"

"Thank god you're okay!really didnt mean to throw you away!its good that youre not hurt at all!"

"What the hell is wrong with you?and what is happening?"

"Jiaojiao i am almost there so i'll see there okay?"

Before Mu Jiao Jiao can even reply she hang up the call and look at the group in her front


The girl in her front suddenly teared up and hug her

"Its really you!do you remember me?its me Feng Lan!7 years ago you save me!o didnt managed to thank you personally!i am glad i finally get to see you again!glad that you are fine!"

"There,there stop crying anymore!yeah i remember you!just calm down first a bit okay?"

Xu Lyn is about to hug back the girl when the elevator door openeda and a screech came in


"Jiao jiao please!let me explain!"

The other woman finally cant help it and laugh out loud this time

"Really you two never changed!"

Mu Jiao Jiao look at the not so stranger group in front of her and look at Xu Lyn who is being hugged tightly

"Why not we go out and talk?"

Feng Lan already let go so Xu Lyn can finally relieved she was about to step out but the elevator door suddenly closed

Xu Lyn's eyes widen she look at the man who press the close botton when the two of them was left alone

She look at his dark eyes and ask meekly

"Uhm....excuse me?whats wrong?"

The man's eyes dim and ask in a cold tone

"Forgot me?"

Xu Lyn didnt know why she felt chill in her back but her sweat is oozing,she wants to say yes but there is warning in his eyes that saying "try saying yes and you'll know the consenquence" so she cowardly reply

"Ofcourse not?"

The man seems unhappy with her reply so she change her answer


She was like a chicken pecking at rice while she was saying this

"My name say it"

Xu Lyn step back when the man step forward and again step back and again he take forward,this sequence ended when her back touch the elevator wall

'Oh my gosh!its the real wall slam!i only read it in a novels!didnt know it will happen to me personally!'

The man's seems to cant wait any longer to hear her say his name so he lowered his head and look at her eye to eye

Xu Lyn tried to shrink back but it was virtually impossible so she is looking straight to his dark eyes

"Say it!my name"

Xu Lyn shiver and say his name quietly

"Sy- Sy Tengfei"


The man move forward again so his nose is now touching hers afraid that he will move forward again so she hurriedly said loudly

"Sy Tengfei!please move back!"

Sy Tengfei chuckle,he is finally satisfied so he move back and said

"Its good that you remember!"

Xu Lyn can finally feel her personal space so her guts came back again and angryly roared

"You pushed me to say it!"

But when he look at her she changed again

"Nice seeing you again?"

Sy Tengfei smirk and finally open the door,Xu Lyn hurriedly step out the elevator

Sy Tengfei chuckle when he saw the little rabbit running away

Xu Lyn's back stiffen again when she felt a burning gaze from her back,she felt like a little beast who is preyed by a huge ferocious animal.

"Jiaojiao!i miss you so much!you dont know!i thought that i was gonna eaten by a big bad wolf!i was so scared!"

Mu JiaoJiao caress Xu Lyn's back while letting her lean on her shoulder

"Dont be afraid!eating you is not gonna be easy!even to him!"

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