Chapter 56:reality

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Its already a month since Xu Lyn came back from the dream,everything is back to normal,but she cant help crying when night time comes

She didnt touch any book anymore afraid that she will dream again,although its nice but she would rather not!

Her life is just as monotone as ever work and appartment and so on,sometimes she will watch movie,she will watch the genre she most hated romance/drama just to have a reason to cry,

Every morning when she wake up she will look around and have a mix feeling when she see her appartment,

Sometimes she wonder if the dream continue what will be the end?or maybe her waking up is already the end?

Laughing at herself she continue working,

Before going home aunt Qi ask her

"Lynlyn you have changed,i dont know spicifically but i know that change is good"

Xu Lyn smile,she didnt understand what she said but she still thank her anyway,she guest it was compliment right?

Resting and sleeping is still the best because deep inside her she is still hoping that she still come back to that wonderful dream

But every morning she will be dissapointed,each day her body feels like its getting heavier

She always feel slugish,she wants to go to hospital to check her condition but she is afraid,

Being hospitalized alone is the saddest for Xu Lyn,her living alone is not a big deal but if she ever have a sickness she doesnt want to stay in the hospital and be miserable

So she would rather endure it than to know what is really happening to her,anyway it is not much effect on her daily life so she can still leave normaly?

Her daily life pass by normaly,just as same as before but she didnt noticed that the way the people look at her changed drastically

One morning inside the restaurant,while just preoccupied with the unknown Xu Lyn was woken up from her daydreaming by a huge boquet of flower popped in front of her

Looking she saw aunt Qi smiling meaningfully

"Lynlyn look,the costumer gave it to me,asking to pass it to you!oh my god!how sweet!its nice to be young!"

Xu Lyn look at the flower and scratch her head,she dont want to accept it,she felt that she will betray someone if she accept it

"Why not put it in the vase and display it inside the reataurant aunt Qi?i am sure it will look more beautiful there"

Aunt Qi was startled and confused

"You dont want to bring it?it was given for you!why put it in the restaurant?"

Xu Lyn smile and explain

"Aunt Qi i really cant accept it,you know i really like to be alone,and maybe i am still not ready in entering a romantic relationship with anyone?i dont want him to expect or wait"

Aunt Qi was dissapointed but nod

"Okay i will explain it to the young man clearly,dont worry,aunt Qi will support whatever you want!"

Xu Lyn laugh and thank the kind lady and return from being occupied from unknown

Aunt Qi look back and shook her head and just move forward

After that incident Xu Lyn thought that it will be the first and last that someone will notice her but she was wrong while sitting at the park looking ahead,looking at something unknown she was awaken again by a slight loud cough


She ask at the man in front of her feeling confuse

"I-i am!hello actually i am new here and i always notice you coming here once in a while"

He said shyly while scratching his hair,Xu Lyn is little shock but still smile

"Yes,because i like dazing off,and welcome to the neighborhood?anyway i need to go now!bye!"

After that she left without looking back,she is not blind or dense,she knows that her appearance is just normal so she is not assuming anything but her gut feeling are always telling her if a person is interested in her

She didnt know what happen after that night but her sorroundings seems changed greatly but she check her appearance over and over and its the ordinary features she's been to familiar with.

Lying in her bed while and as usual thinking of a lot of unkown until she fell sleep unknowingly but still hopes with all her heart that even just for a glimpse she will see.

Waking up she felt too heavy,always wanted to cry but couldnt,she already cried enough,she already hope enough!

She wants to forget everything!she wants to moved on she wants to step forward but everytime she want to take even just a step forward her body wont listen to her

And the most painful part is that only her mind is fighting,her body and heart are already falling apart bit by bit.

Going out to work with her usual practiced small smile she readily face her day just as before.

"Good morning uncle and aunti Qi!how are you?"

The couple smiled gently and replied happily

"Lynlyn you came early!we are good!did you sleep well?you look little pale?are you okay?"

Ask aunt Qi worriedly,Xu Lyn shook her head and answer

"No i am fine!maybe i just sleep a little late last night because a watch a movie?dont worry i am supper good"

She even smile more and put her thumbs up for the couple to see that she is really in a good health!

The couple was relief when they see her bright smile and leave her so she can start her work

After the long yet short day Xu Lyn look at the familiar small alley at the back of the restaurant,

Bending her waist habitually she look around after throwing the garbage and smile while shaking her head in all too familiar scenery.

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