Chapter 46:from now on

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"Then let me prove myself to you!will you?7 years ago is my biggest mistake!now no!from now on i will pay for that mistake!from now on i will do everything for you!from now on let me do what you did for me 7 years ago!from now on let me do everything for you!just please dont leave me again!Xu Lyn hurt me if you want but please dont leave okay?dont leave me!i really dont know if i can still survive without you again!"

Xu Lyn laugh,and joke

"Why are you being serious all of the sudden!anyway its all in the past let us let the nature take its course okay?"

Sy Tengfei's eyes dim but his voice didnt change

"I'll be heading out now,let us go in date,i'll be there in about an hour"

Xu Lyn look at the hang up phone and want to curse!he is being too overbearing again!

Sighing helplessly she still go and prepare to go out

Exactly an hour Sy Tengfei arrive with a bouquet of redrose in his hand,

He come to her and hand her the flower thanking him after recieving it she hand it over to the butler to put it in vase

In the cinema Xu Lyn was searching on what to watch but she heard a sudden low laugh beside her

"What is funny?"

"Nothing much!i just remember when we watch movie for the first time!you ended up sleeping inside"

Xu Lyn blush when she remember her black material and elbow him

"It was your fault!i really hate drama/romance genre but you choose it!"

"Yes,yes my fault!my wife is always right!"

Xu Lyn dont want to pay him attention anymore so she just choose a movie after deciding what to watch she cue in the movie ticket line

Sy Tengfei saw she choose a sci-fi/action movie he shake his head,his wife is really different

"Where is the card i gave you?"

Ask Sy Tengfei when it was almost their turn,Xu Lyn look at him and rummage her bag,after finally found it she gave it to him

He took it and gave her another card

"This is my main card"

Xu Lyn gave it back and ask askance

"Why are you giving your main card!i have mine aswell!i dont need yours!"

Sy Tengfei gave it back

"I earn money for you!its yours so take it"

Xu Lyn laugh but in her eyes there is a bitterness hidden in it,taking his card and decided to just hold it for him for now

Xu Lyn is looking at the screen but in fact she is not paying attention at the story,her mind is wondering around her mind is thinking about the future will she still be okay?just like before?or not anymore

Sy Tengfei noticed that her mind is wondering he didnt know what she was thinking but there is inexplicable feeling that he dont like what she is thinking

After the movie Sy Tengfei lead her out and stuff her in his car and start interrogating her

"So tell me what is in your mind,you are with me but your mind is not!Xu Lyn are you really going to disregard me?"

Xu Lyn lips tighten looking ahead she start telling him what she really feel

"What if we are really are not for each other what if the fate already write our future and ig decided that we are not for each other?what if we dont have any future together?what if in the end we will still separate?i am sure i am the one who will get mostly get hurt so i dont want to gamble anymore!"

Sy Tengfei hold her face and gently wipe her tears while explaining in a very low voice

"Is it why you are hesitant towards me?are you still doubting me?havent i shown my heart enough?Lynlyn tell me what should i do so you will be willing to believe that i really love you!you are my past,my present and will and only future!dont ask me how i know but when i saw again after 3 days of not coming to school in that moment i knew you are mine and darling i dont believe in fate but i believe in myself!that i will still chase you wherever you are and i will not stop until you become mine!until we become one!so please just let it go and trust me once again!for the last time baby,please trust me!"

Xu Lyn cry harder when she hear his declaration,crying her bitterness,crying out all her hidden bitterness,crying for those years that she tried hard to forget!

Sy Tengfei keep on begging her to stop crying every tears she is shedding is like a knife stabbing his heart!

If he could will take away or her tears so it wont shed anymore!

"Lynlyn please stop crying,tell me what i must do so you wont cry anymore?it really pains me seeing you cry!baby please tell me!"

Xu Lyn didnt feel comforted at all so she cried hard while clinging into him,Sy Tengfei keep on begging her and patting her back gently

After seems like forever Xu Lyn finally stop crying,Sy Tengfei heart almost crush when he saw how swollen her eyes is

Seeing her finally calm down he gave her water and drove away

Xu Lyn ask him while hiccuping

"Wh-whe-where t-to go?"

"Its okay darling lets talk later okay?fpr now i'll bring you to my home,we need to do something with your eyes first!it really kills me seeing you like this!"

They arrived at Sy Tengfei's spacious two storey villa,looking around with her swollen eyes,Xu Lyn is curious why he chose this kind of design it seems like a family oriented villa that looks totaly opposites him

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