Chapter 39:cat and mouse

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Xu Lyn look at Mu Jiao Jioa's departing car and turn around to say goodbye to Sy Tengfei

Su Lyn felt that there is a fireworks display in her mind!she didnt know what really happen she only know that when she turn around her lips is blocked by Sy Tengfei's lips

Her lips was just block for a second but she felt like it was forever!

Sy Tengfei had a gentle smile while looking at the petrified girl in front of him,the kiss is already done a long time ago but she still didnt move and look at him blankly

Another minute pass Sy Tengfei chuckle when he saw how cute her reaction in,her face become as red as apple in a flash!

"Y-y-you!y-y-you hooligan!"

Sy Tengfei's eyes had a faint smile and ignore her incoherent words he simply take a step forward with a touch of mischief he ask

"Hooligan?i can be more!"

Xu Lyn jump back like a kitten whose tail was stepped on

"Dont talk nonsense!i am going now!bye!"

Xu Lyn was about to run away but her hand was held

"I'll call you later!"

Xu Lyn replied perfunctionary and speed away!

Sy Tengfei chuckle in delight but in his eyes there is a look of a hunter who is already locked on in his prey

On his way back home he reminisce about his life while waiting for Xu Lyn's return,

He was just like a monster when he return from that mission,

He crawled back and forth from life and death,he dont care about anything else!he just want to be powerful!he just want to be powerful enough so he can protect who he wants to,

But after 5 years he left the army,he become almost the youngest major general but he refused it,

As a soldier most of his time will dedicate to his profession so he decided to build his own business,

It took 1 year for his business to grow and half more years it became empire,the whole world was shock in his speed but in Sy Tengfei's mind she only wants to prepare for his princess return so he can spoil her more than her family did!

Xu Lyn is already in her bed when her phone rang,she look at the unregister number and answer with a doubt

"Hello?who is this?"

"Didnt i tell you that i will call you?"

Say Sy Tengfei in a helpless tone that make Xu Lyn tongue tie and pouted

"I'll go to sleep now!goodbye"

Sy Tengfei's eyes glint with unknown emmotion and replied

"Okay goodnight!sweerdreams"


Xu Lyn hang up the phone and sigh,closing her eyes to cover the tiredness in it!

When she open it again there is a determination in it!

Mu Jiao Jiao invited Xu Lyn out shopping, Mu Jiao Jiao start talking about various things

"Lynlyn do you remember your cousin?Xu Mei?she already came out from jail but the Xu already denied her existence but and throw her and her mother out from nowhere!"

While listening her phone suddenly rang,Xu Lyn look at her phone checking but pouted when she saw who was it,sighing she hang up the phone and continue shopping.

Xu Lyn has been trying to avoid Sy Tengfei whenever she saw the news where he is she will go to the other side

She is always hanging up his call,and ignoring his massage its been like this for a weeks now,

Her restaurant is about to open in the country so she is really busy,she keeps on looking on places and places just to find the perfect location she wants,

She already heard a lot of things about Sy Tengfei,he is now an owner of a business empire with a billion worth!

Fu Ping resign with him and become his assistant and Ye Ai resign after a year and married Fu Ping although it was unexpected because Fu Ping in the book is the 2nd male lead

Feng Lan didnt change her name,although her father disagree but he cannot do anything about it anymore,she and Sy Tengfei didnt have any interaction at the hotel it was just a coincidence,she only wants to meet Ye Ai but Sy Tengfei had a meeting in there and as the assistant Fu Ping ofcourse will be there,

Feng Lan called her how many times to meet her but she is always turning her down saying she is busy

Ofcourse as the kind she is Feng Lan always just only disappointed for a while but she will be cheerful just a bit of time,

Looking at her watch,she still have 30 minutes before her meeting with another land developer but she still choose to come directly,atleast she still have the time to review her presentation,

While sorting out her documents she felt that the atmosphere is off,5 minutes before her scheduled meeting she ask the receptionist

"Miss Xu Lyn right?the manager just called and ask me to inform you that the meeting is canceled"

"What?but we just talked half an hour ago!he never mention about cancellation"

The receptionist around here and tell her quiely

"Actually the real owner is here for a surprise unspection!"

"Real owner?"

"Yes miss!our company is a subsidiary of the SL company!"

Xu Lyn was petrified and ask in a low and panicky voice

"SL?you meant owned by Sy Tengfei?and he is here for inspection?"

"Yes miss!and the boss heard that the big boss is really in a foul mood!"

"Ooh!okay!thank you!bye!"

Xu Lyn hurriedly arrange her things,she is already in her panick state so she didnt notice that the whole building is now quieten down

Xu Lyn turn around but come face to face with the most handsome man and the darkest eyes she have ever seen.

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