Chapter 11: New students

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"Captain you call me?"

"Lieutenant Sy i summon you here for a level SSS mission!this is the detail of the mission and this is a highly confidential, 150% is the success rate nedded,a slight mistake will lead to a war with nearby country,read it first and so you will understand"

Liuetenant Sy Tengfei is a lieutenant in a special force,this special force is the one who will work for much more dangerous assignment,anything that is extra confidential will be assigned directly to them.

Sy Tengfei is new in special force,because they have the very hard test from intelect and physical so the new recruit is very rare like Sy Tengfei its been two years since he has been recruit and until now there is still no new one.

The Sy family is a military family since ancient time.

Sy Tengfei's ancestors is the general of each of their generations

Although now there is Sy that is not become a soldier but all in all their family is more powerful than any other family,

Sy families believes is always to protect the country!

Sy Tengfei us reading the information intently

Feng Lan a 17 years old girl, living with her grandmother and studying in a aristocratic school in the capital

A school for rich kids only but they have a scholarships for extra brainy students

Feng Lan is born and live in capital living with her grandmother

Parents died since she was 5 leaving a large inheritance for her to live on a quite comfortable life.

That was just on a surface.

The real identity is Shino Red illigitimate daughter of the prime minister from the neighboring country

Was sent in this country for hiding because of the minister's legal wife so he dont have a choice to send her out.

But now since the legal wife died because of illness and they dont have any child so he wants to take back his daughter but his enemy got some wind of this so now they want to use this for him to bow to them.

Sy Tengfei look up after reading the assignment and wait for the additional instruction

"This time i will lead the soldiers for undercover, the mission is to protect the girl and to wipe all the enemy"

Taking out another folder Captain Gu Feng hand it over to him

"This will be the setup for our undercover,we will be with Fu Ping and Ye Ai"

Opening the folder he study the plan and give it back to captain Gu

"I understand Captain Gu, i will leave now to prepare the necessary necessities"

"Yeah and i forget to tell you that Ye Ai and Fu Ping is already admited, so this coming monday me and you will start"

After agreeing Sy Tengfei left to prepare.

Xu Lyn is daydreaming,she was thinking that the time really fly fast,she is already 16 years old

Thinking about it, she feels like it was just yesterday since she came into this world

"Hey Lynlyn!"

Xu Lyn was startled when she heard Jiao Jiao's loud voice

"Youve been daydreaming since forever!and i was talking to myself since then!"

Xu Lyn shook her head and race her eyebrow

"Okay i am sorry but youve been talking about the new students since forever aswell!yes we have a new pretty school mate and she is very nice!and the new guy from 5th class who is unbelievable good in sports!okay yes i already knew that and they have been here for almost a month now okay?"

"That is why i know you are not listening!there is another new transferee!and a gym teacher!isnt it exciting?"

"Why it would be exciting?i dont get it?"

Mu Jiao Jiao laugh cheekily

"So i think that maybe this time it will be your time to fall inlove!youve been waiting for it right?i have a very strong hunch that this time its for real!"

"Okay i know!seriously?havent i promised you already that once i saw someone who i like and think will like i'll definitely chase him?dont worry i wont go back to my word,and i want to experience the feeling of having a boyfriend or being a girlfriend okay?"

Xu Lyn smile bashfuly after saying that,thinking that her brother is alreasy very busy in his college life so he doesnt have much time supervising her

So she really want to experience chasing someone but untill now she doesnt see any prospect

Sighing sadly she look at her front when the teacher came in

"Okay class settle in!now i want to introduce to you guys a new student!classmate come in and introduce yourself"

The whole class become silent and excitedly wait for the new student

Xu Lyn was not interested at first.but she didnt know why something is calling her to look at the door

Like a magnet in a metal and when she saw a pale boy coming in her breath stop and her heart beats rapidly

The youngman is look thin in his uniform,wearing a glass and a slight ling hair covering most of his face his even he looks thin his height seems to be 190cm or more

Xu Lyn can see that he is a nerd aswell she cannot see his appearance clearly but she dont know why she feels this way

Is it the feeling of liking someone?when she realize this something suddenly explode on her mind and she blush hard

She was thankful that her hair is covering most of her hair so noone notice it

The young man look up and introduce himself

"My name is Sy Tengfei, please to meet you all!"

Xu Lyn secretly fan herself because of feeling hot on her face while looking down she felt her heartbeat is getting faster  his voice is so nice!oh my!

The teacher point the chair infront of Xu Lyn saying that it will be his new table

Xu Lyn almost kiss the teacher when she hear it and excitedly look up

She almost squirm when she sit infront of her

Because of the teacher so she didnt do anything for now.

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