Chapter 44:mr.plotline!

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Xu Lyn's chopstick almost fell off,she look at Sy Tengfei incredelously

So The Xu really almost fell apart!not by the hands of male lead but it was kept thanks to him?if this important turn of event really change so there is more important events can change?so  Sy Tengfei is her had a chance?

Shaking her head to remove this dangerous thought she ask

"So thanks to your parents that my family become amiable to you?and your still proud?are you a preschooler?where is your face?"

"Face is not important in chasing a wife!"

Xu Lyn wants to try to hit his face wanting to know how thick and hard it is

Deciding to swallow her curiousity she ask again

"So what did your parents do and how did you convince them to help you?"

"I really dont know what they say or condition they gave to your parents but i convince them by saying that if they wont help me your future daughter in law will leave!"

Xu Lyn's mouth twitch, fine!she will never gonna ask this fool again!

Sy Tengfei is feasting in her various expressions,and eat more happily.

Xu Lyn directly wants to go down from his car when he drive her home but her hand was held again,lookong back she saw the aggrieved little wolf

"What is wrong with you?"

Sy Tengfei pout and felt more aggrieved

"I am so well behaved this whole day!dont i need a little reward?"

Xu Lyn ears flush and withdraw her hand but he held it tighter

"Sy Tengfei i am warning you!stop taking advantage at me every time!you are still chasing me!why would i kiss you?"

But she still didnt understand how thick his skin is so he directly hold her face and kiss her lightly

"This is advance kiss from being your boyfriend in the near future!"

Xu Lyn recover instantly when she hear it and left the car without looking back

Sy Tengfei chuckle at her retreating back and drive back home.

Xu Lyn saw her brother when she came in and decided to confront him instead of her parents about what happen a year ago

"Brother is it true?last year?"

She ask vaguely but Xu Bai still understand what she mean so he lead her to the living rooma and start explaining

"Lynlyn it was true!sorry because we hide it to you but we did it because  of our selfish reasons!we dont want you to worry and pull you with that muddy water!you already experienced enough danger and we didnt want to add more
!i hope you are not angry we cant just let you worry,knowing you if you heard about it you will surely fly back and add more chaos,so we hide it from you,sorry Lynlyn"

Xu Lyn sigh

"Big brother i can never get angry with you all!i know its for me that you all made the decision,i was just sad,i wasnt here with you guys in your most difficult time!i didnt help even just for a bit!"

Xu Bai hug his sister's shoulder and coax her

"Lynlyn you are our biggest help!we are strong because of you!we keep on fighting and we'll keep on because of you!that is not the most difficult time,our most difficult time is thinking what if we lost?what will happen to you?Lynlyn you are our strength!"

"Thank you brother!you are all the best!i know even i didnt get married you are sure gonna support me till the end!"

Xu Bai snort

"As if the crazy guy will agree to that!"

Xu Lyn giggles but ask again

"So what did the Sy Family give as a condition?"

Xu Bai become unhappy again remembering the condition, Xu Lyn noticed her brother's wierdness so she add

"Is it difficult to say?is the condition unresonable?"

Xu Bai's face twisted

"Really unreasonable!utterly!they want that if you come back we will let that crazy guy woe you openly!apparently they heard about what happen between you and him so they are really disappointed and wants to correct their son's mistake!"

Xu Lyn was anxious at first but when she heard the whole story she didnt know how to react anymore.

The restaurant's opening is about to come,Xu Lyn decided to make the appointment with Feng Lan and the others anyway she is not busy anymore,everything is ready and prepared

In her busy times Sy Tengfei is always by herside she is actually happy and distressed

Happy becuase she has a very diligent driver,food deliverer and assistant!with him around all the time her works is ten times more easy

Distress for Fu Ping almost all of the works are now fell in him,distress for the company because he seems really didnt care about it and distress for herself,because every little chance he had he will surely take advantage of her!even call her his wife every time!

Now while sitting inside the restaurant with the other 4 person Xu Lyn wants to bury herself in a hole!

"Wife what do you want to eat?"

"Wife why not order some more?"

"Wife dont drink a lot of cold,its not good for you!"

"Who is your wife?stop calling randomly!"

Xu Lyn said angryly while kicking his foot under the table

"Wife why are you killing your husband?and i am only calling you!who is randomly?"

Xu Lyn look at Fu Ping with a defeated expression and ask

"What happen to this guy?i didnt left for a lifetime!its only 8 years!why he seems entirely different person?when i first meet him he is not like this aswell!its only for a while!is he really real or someone else?"

"Classmate Xu dont ask me!he is only like that if he is around you!you know just dont ask!i really cant explain!"

Xu Lyn look puzzled and look at Ye Ai

"He is a devil incarnate if he is not with you!"

Ye Ai whisper while Sy Tengfei is busy picking foods for Xu Lyn,sighing softly its better to ignore the guy!

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