Chapter 5: The new beggining

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Xu Lyn is staring at the flowers while waiting for her parents to visit the grandparents.

She's been in this world for 1 month now and she meet the parents only twice, it was not that they are busy that they dont have much time for her but she was hiding.

She is always scared and uneasy thinking that they will surely recognize that she is not their real daughter so she is always hiding from them saying that she is busy or throwing a randum tantrum that she does not want to see them.

Ofcourse the extremely spoiled girl she is so they can just leave sadly and disappointed.

But realizing that Xu Lyn is being timid again so she steel her resolve and finally face the Xu parents.

Xu Lyn was tense at first but realizing that the parents didnt noticed anything so she breath a sigh of relief and acted baby and more loving to them.

"Dad!mom!good morning!"

"Hows our little princess today?"

"Mommy i am good!super good and excited!i miss grandpa and grandma!lets go lets go!"

The Xu parents laugh at her spoiled act and follow along, arriving at the gate Xu Bai is already waiting for them.

Xu Lyn smile sweetly at her big brother and got inside the car.

The road to grandparents Xu was fun and enjoyable, as being the coquetish little spoiled of the family Xu Lyn keeps on talking and telling stories about anything and everything.

Her animated look and actions are fun to look for the family thats why they keep on laughing and shaking their heads even though the story is not funny.

Xu Lyn already grasp the way of being spoiled so it was easy for her to act accordingly.

But she is gradually changing the people around her the impression of being too overbearing and spoiled.

She already talk to maids politely and dare not to raise her hands to them anymore.

At first the servants was shock but then they gradually adopted to it, but she didnt do it hastyly she just did it little by little so nobody will doubt her.

The tutors are the same, she already take the lesson seriously so they were thankful so they teach her more seriously.

Now after a month Xu Lyn already gained a lot, parents, big brother and new knowledge about a lot of things ib this world, but she is most about is her dancing.

When she was still in her previous life Xu Lyn dream to be a talented lady, know how to dance, sing, play any instrument, calligraphy, paint, chess, go, write poems, shoot and any martial arts.

She thought that it was just a beautiful very unreal dream.

But she can already grab those dreams!learning dance for now, then later on the rest (^_^)

Having a superb genes is the best! While daydreaming she noticed that they arrived.

Following the original bodys memory the huge villa is the Xu's ancestral house.

Coming in she saw a lot of cars and the servants standing respectfully at the side waiting for them.

Tsk this aristocratic families are really exagerated she inwardly critisize while full of smile outside.

"Grandpa! Grandma! I miss you soo much!"

Entering the huge house ofcourse Xu Lyn still played spoiled and ignore the others only saw the grandparents.

Grandpa Xu and grandma Xu laugh happily and catch the flying bun towards them.

"Hows are little princess? Youve ignore us for a month now!how dare you say you miss us now?"

The old man rebuke lovingly

"Grandpa i really miss you but i read that absence make the hearts grew more closer"

"I think you learn to sweet talk more!"

"Grandma i am just being honest!its not a lie!cant you feel it?i loved you both more than last month!and i feel that my heart will explode beccause of the overwhelming love for both of you!"

The elder man throw his head back and lough louder that it echos through out the house and the elder lady wipe her tears because of too much laugh.

The Xu mom and dad shake their heads and smile more gently while the other member of the family are laughing outside but obviously not happy inside.

Xu Lyn just ignore the unneeded people and focus on sucking up at the elderly.

Night comes very fast, Xu Lyn is planning how to tell the parents that she wants to go to school.

She doesnt want to be home schooled anymore, its boring!(°_°)

But she doesnt want to be high profile at all!even though she is extremely satisfied being a little rich girl but flaunting is really not for her.

The parents will not allow her to go to school in a very normal way for sure,but maybe they can compromise if she act more spoiled brat right?

After her detailed plan she finally fall into a deep slumber like a sleeping log.

Waking up bright and early Xu Lyn hurriedly washed up and go down for breakfast

"Good morning Grandpa,grandma, dad, mom,big brother, uncles and aunts and cousins"

Because the Xus has the rule to stay at the ancestral house every week end so the whole family is there,after greeting them she sat in her designated place ofcourse beside grandma and grandpa and kiss them loudly

"You are being overly sweet arent you?i think you want something right?"

"Second uncle you are accusing me wrongly!i am always grandpa and grandmas little padded jacket okay?"

"Yeah yeah your uncle was wrong so grandpa will chide him for you okay?so what do you need this time?"


Seeing his granddaughter pouted until teapot can be hang so he smoothen her hair lovingly

"Okay i know you dont have a request so grandpa will not say anymore but remember tell me what ever you want grandpa will surely give it to you!"

Xu Lyn smile brightly and nodded like chicken pecking at corn.

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