Chapter 8: unfathomable

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"Please stop!i was just asking!its not that i bullied you and your mother but why i in your tone that i am being unreasonable?i was just purely curious"

Xu Lyn said while pouting and her voice was keep on lowering i can be a little white lotus aswell

Seeing the unhappy Xu Lyn the 3rd uncle become panicky

"Ofcourse Lynlyn is just asking! Xu Mei apologize to your sister Lynlyn now!"

The mother and daughter was startled and look around

Seeing the elders and Xu Lyns parents are looking at them hardly and the others look at them wierdly and contempt on their eyes they hurriedly apologize

"Li-li-little sis-sister i am sorry! I didnt mi-mean that!i was just nervous"

Xu Lyn look at the teary eyed girl and a glint pass through her eyes

"I know but please dont talk as if every one is bullying you,if anyone else in here they would reallu think i am like that to you,its not nice you know?i really hate this feeling!"

Seeing that it will be really bad 3rd uncle explain again

"Sorry Lynlyn, sister Mei really didnt mean that,she is just soft speaker,forgive her will you?"

"Yes he is right! My Mei is really speaking really soft and little timid!please dont blame her?"

"So did i misunderstand her?"

Xu Lyn look around after saying it and continue

"If thats the case then okay!i am sorry if i misunderstand you and think too much about it"

The Xus was stunned

"Its okay darling you dont have to ask for forgiveness,you didnt do any wrong!"

After saying that grandma Xu threw a hard glare to the girl so she immediately lower her head

This mother and daughter just come and already give the little darling a heartache?

Sensing the stronger hate and mock glare that are throwing at them the mother and daughter didnt know what to do anymore so they just shrank back

Grandpa Xu sigh he knew this talk can never continue anymore because the Xu Lyn is already unhappy so they let them leave first

"3rd son you let them go back first and come back till the weekend and continue this topic"

3rd uncle understand and lead the mother and daughter out with 3rd madam

Coming out from the villa 3rd madam scoff and mock

"Only first day but already start to dream that they can change the Xus little princess?keep dreaming!"

"Okay enough!nobody is changing who!dont make any careless remarks okay!"

Chided 3rd master but still he knows in his heart that it wasnt the case

"3rd master we really didnt!it was not like that!we didnt mean anything!"

The woman explain while trembling but her eyes held a lot of malice

Xu Mei keep her head low but she was unwilling!she is a granddaughter aswell!they should have feel sorry for her!the should feel indebted to her!

Closing her hand hardly she bit her lips and swear that she will bring down that Xu Lyn!

Arriving at the car 3rd Xu ask 3rd madam to go back with the kids alone

Although unwilling but looking at the 3rd master's anger so she reluctantly agreed

Inside the car 3rd master Xu slap hard the woman and tell her while with gritting teeth

"Damn you Du Wei!did you think that your and your daughter's acting are flawless?did you really think that pathetic act of yours will easyly buy by them?stupid!really stupid!"

The mother and daughter look aghast and shiver

"Xu Han!how dare you slap me!and what are you talking about?!"

Xu Han sneer

"I told you that the oldman and oldwoman's bottomline is Xu Lyn right?and i warned you that never cross that bottomline but what you both did?did you really think because i bring your daughter to them is because i want you to bring Xu Lyn down?listen well you two idiot!your performance today has been marked by them already!and the meaning is your Du Mei can become Xu Mei but she can never enter the Xus!"

The mother and daughter was petrified hearing this

"Why?i didnt do anything wrong?i already apologized!i am also a Xu why they will treat me like that?"

"I thought that you are more than that!didnt think that you will be as stupid as your mother!go back both of you!sees you really make my blood boil!"

"No dad!what should i do?i really regret!please!what can be done?"

Xu Han massage his head

"I'll think of a way,for now both you just keep still untill saturday!do you understand?"

When Du Wei and Xu Mei align from the car Du Wei told her daughter with full of hatred

"Remember the shame they bring us today ahMei!someday we will give it to them double!"

Xu Mei grasp her mother's hand and nod her head,the hatred and in her eyes is radiating clearly.

Back to the Xu residence,Xu Lyn is looking at her grandparents obviously asking for more information

"Darling dont mix in the adult world too much!let us handle this okay?"

Xu Lyn pout at her grandma's world but obediently nodded

"Lynlyn just remember you will be the Xu's little princess okay?"

Grandpa said while patting lovingly her head

"I am not worry about that!i am worried about how they will affect us?i  worried that they will bring chaos to us"

"Baby the only question is,do they have the ability?"

Xu Lyn sigh

"Dad i know!but i cant help myself but worry okay?they are obviously not a good news!"

Grandpa shook his head and explain

"Lynlyn they is exactly bad news,but the Xus never abandon our kin,so wether we like it or not we will have to accept it,the DNA was already done and she is really one of the Xus,but if they made any mistake or put the whole clan in dangerous situation i will surely clean them up!"

Xu Lyn was shocked when she felt the old man's oppression and shiver a little but knowing the rage is not for her so she relaxed.

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