Chapter 3: a little extra ordinary

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"Butler Zao i want to add dance class"

Butler Zao was taken aback for a moment and answer positively

Xu Lyn nod her head and left to study to wait for her instructors,she didnt go to school not because of anything else but what the little princess wants,she look down and disdain the students in the school for not being as rich as her family.

While waiting she is planning for her future so she didnt notice that the teacher already arrive but dare not to disturb her knowing her temper.

When Xu Lyn noticed the teacher it was  already after 10 minutes or so.

The teacher started her lesson and at first Xu Lyn is paying attention but later on something is telling her to stop paying attention.

Xu Lyn was afraid on what is happening, she can clearly feel that something or someone is fighting in her subconcious but when she try to feel it more the feeling will disappear like it was just her imagination but clearly its not.

The whole day was finish like this, so Lu Xyn is extremely tired so she ask the butler that she will stay in her room to rest and warned them to do not disturb her.

The butler nodded respectfuly only then Xu Lyn felt relieved,she need to know what is happening and to know where is this place, or maybe world.

Sitting on her bed Xu Lyn begin to study the world where she is now, even it is hard to believe now she know that everything is real, there is no single place in here she knows, everything is foreign to her, after studying the map for a while so close her eyes and try to go deep in her conciousness.

After searching for a quite sometime Xu Lyn eyes dilated, in front of her a little dumpling is standing in front of her, her large black eyes that is looking at her with extreme hatred, her cute little nose that is flaring up and her small pouty red lips are is cursing her are simple the real little princess!


Xu Lyn shudder at the harsh words that the little girl are saying, she cant believe that this angelic face that is omly 5 years old can actually saying this kind of words.

"If i am useless ghost then what are you?you are more useless than me,cant even control your own body, and who wants this ugly chubby body?only you can appreciate this heavy body and i really dont want to stay in your body aswell because i dont want to be rotten like you!stinky rotten temper!i can smell it even how many times i showered"

Xu Lyn knows that she is being a childish but she doesnt have any choice,she just wants to teach the stinky girl a little lesson for being so bad.

As expected the little girl began to tear up

"You-you-you!!!!how dare you!"

"Already 5 years old but still stuttering?really ugly and weak, go on!take over your heavy chubby body!i doubt it if you can do it!and take it you rotten stinky ghost"

It was the first time for the little girl to scold by someone so she dont know how to answer so she can only is to cry


Xu Lyn cover her ear to reduce the sound of the siren and continue

"What you are not? Its real!you are chubby, lazy and bad girl! so you dont have even just 1 friend!nobody can take you"

Xu Lyn waited for a while, she thought that the little devil will continue to bawl but was shock when she stop crying and sniff

"Re-really?so th-th-thats why everyone is always busy?so i am always alone?e-e-even my mom and dad cant endure me?bu-bu-but nobody is telling what to do!how would i know what they want or not?can they just tell me?"

Xu Lyn was startled but finally enlightened! The child has a point!nobody and no one is correcting her behaviour so she doesnt know anything!

"Your family love you to the bones that is why they letting you do what you want, i am sorry!actually you are not that bad, but nobody is educating you, so listen to big sis okay?"

The little girl look at her and nod solemnly

"Everything you did was wrong, hurting your maids, kicking another kids snatching anything you want is very bad,we have to learn to be kind so someone will be kind to us aswell, hurting innocent people is speacialty of bad people, and we have to learn to accept that not all things we want can we get, we have to work hard to gain something we want, like true friends!"

Xu Lyn is saying this things because she is specially feel bad for the girl, taking her body was never been what she wanted so she wants to give it back, but she hopes that the girl will change, although not entirely but atleast just a start.

"I am sorry big sis!i shouldnt scold you!now i know so i think i'll have to go"

Xu Lyn's eyes widened she wants to ask what but the girl dissappear, she open her eyes and massage her eyebrows, looking around it was already late so she called her maids to help her tidy up for dinner.

Xu Lyn was still alone while eating and sigh sadly

"Butler Zao were is big brother?"

"Young miss, young master said that he will be late so you will have to eat alone"

Xu Lyn can feel that the old butler feel sorry for her aswell but they cannot do anything about it so they just can only sigh sadly.

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