Chapter 9:The beginning of everything

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Saturday came and after Xu Han strictly remind Du Wei and Xu Mei to behave he bring them back to the old house.

The whole family has already gather so the oldman directly announce

"Xu Mei is now officially now a Xu,she can now enjoy the other Xu's childrens benefits and educations,she can now go to the school were the others are going,but before that she have to learn the rules first and the punishments!but Xu Mei can not enter the official Xu registration,in short she can never be burried with the legitimate Xu and for her mother,as a payment for taking care of Xu Mei you will pay the numeration for all those years that you spend for her and we will give you compensation aswell,but Xu Mei's house, dont worry she will still stay to you and you will have a monthly pension"

Xu Mei paled,she knows what is the meaning of this words,she can never have inheritance!so what is the use of being Xu?

When she was about to object her mom hold her tight and give her a warning look

Reading her mother's signal she quickly calm down and thank humbly

"It doesnt matter grandpa,grandma!i just want pay my filiel piety to the both of you!amd just recognizing my ancestor is already my biggest gain!"

Although the words were nice and sweet but the people who she says wrong so when she look up she grit her teeth seeing nobody is paying attention to her

Nobody is muddled in Xu so no one will buy her words.

Xu Mei looked wronged waiting someone will take pity at her but the others just snort.

While eating Xu Lyn still act the same,never really care about the hate that is throwing to her,she even act more spoiled and baby making the other gnashed her teeth in hatred

But Xu Mei thought that she is hiding it well but she didnt know that she was already marked death by Xu Lyn's parents and brother.

After everything is done Du Wei pulled her daughter in a hurry and left without looking back

"Mom why did you stop me?i am also a Xu!!!why they are treating me like this??!!"

"Do you think i am not worst?what pension?it was clearly they did not accept me as your mother but your nanny!but we have to be patient!we still have a long way to go!they can still change thier opinion about you so let us be patient for now okay my dear daughter?just wait okay?"

Xu Mei pout and nod her head reluctantly although it was really uncomfortable but she knows her mother is right

Swallowing her grieviance now and give it back hundred times is perfect!

Thinking about her revenge Xu Mei finally felt light in her heart.

Xu Lyn felt a little uncomfortable in her heart,she didnt know where it came from but she knows it is within her!

Knitting her eyebrows and feel it more but it suddenly disappear.

Xu Lyn knows that there is something wrong but she cannot point it.

Sighing deeply she ignore the growing uneasyness inside her and make herself busy with her family.

After a month Xu Mei is transfered in the school were others are studying.

She and her mother is already make an detailed plan for their revenge road.

After entering the 5th class of 2nd year of middle school Xu Mei bow her head and play her 'innocent and kind' look.

Xu Lyn really dont understand herself this past few days, there is something growing inside her but couldnt fathom!why do i feel like this? Is there something happening or something will happen?

She always felt like this but when she try to study more about what she felt it will disappear like it is nothing?or sign?

Pinching the bridge of her nose she again she disregard the feeling but she know that it will happen again but surely next time she will grasp it.

Xu Lyn's parents never let down their vigilance to Du Wei and Xu Mei

It is not because they are threathen but they are afraid that they will move Xu Lyn!

It was obvious that she is the target of those two!

Xu Lyn is waiting for Mu Jiao Jiao inside the teashop near the mall they arranged to go,

While sipping her milktea Xu Lyn's heart felt uneasy again without rhyme or reason!

It is always like this,looking around she really saw Xu Mei nearby!

It is always like this!everytime Xu Mei is near there is a surging unknown feeling coming from her heart!

She tried contacting the original Xu Lyn before for how many times but she is always failed!

She even thought that maybe she has a heart problem but when the annual check up came there is nothing problem in her body!

At first Xu Lyn thought that her uncomfortable feeling are just coincidence with Xu Mei but it happen more and more frequently Xu Lyn became wary! Did i forget something about Xu Mei?did we meet before?is she the cause or just a natural instinct against her?but why?

Because Xu Lyn is in the deep thought she didnt noticed Mu Jiao Jiao come in.

"What are you thinking so deeply?"

Xu Lyn was shock that she almost pour her milktea all ocer Jiao Jiao!

"You ceazy brat!why are you coming without any sound?"

Mu Jiao Jiao laugh and said that she even call her for how many times but she refuse to look at her.

While walking inside the mall Mu Jiao Jiao suddenly pulled her

"Look!look! You see that?she was just new in our school,i think just months but did you know that she already made a lot of girls enemy?"

Xu Lyn follow her hand where she is pointing and saw Xu Mei again but this time with a cute young boy

And if Xu Lyn is not mistaken that guy's family is hotel chains

"Because of her appearance or how she always play as a victim in every turn?"

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