Chapter 27:The real danger

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Sy Tengfei's soul almost left him when he saw Xu Lyn coming to them he didnt know whely she come in there but it was not important now but he cant still stop his impulse


Xu Lyn tremble,purse her lips but didnt answer

She knows that what she did is crazy but she cant control her body when Sy Tengfei was about to be beaten!

While Xu Lyn felt wronged and hurt Mu Jiao Jiao whisper

"We'll run from the back!we just have to run quickly!"

Xu Lyn nodded and hold Feng Lan tighter while taking step back little bt little but someone notice their little movements

"Those little b**** are trying to escape from the back!"

"You little boy!if you dont want to get beaten to death by us just be obedient and play dead  okay?dont worry!we will just play with them!we actually only need one,but we didnt expect that there will be 2 more bonus!"

Sy Tengfei's eyes reden but he knows that in this time keeping his cool will be the most important thing to do now!

But his anger almost explode when one of the thugs touch Xu Lyn counting the thugs they are only 7 it is easy for him to beat them but he cant do that now,his disguise is a weak and nerd so fighting them is a no no so the answer is just run!

While backing away they didnt noticed that they are already trap between the thugs and the wall.

Xu Lyn didnt care about anything anymore

"Jiao Jiao hold my things!i will open a way and you will pull both of them okay?"

Mu Jiao Jiao was about to decline but Xu Lyn already make a move

Sy Tengfei's eyes widen when a straight punch and a clean kick was thrown to one of the thugs he didnt move but waken up when his uniform was pull.

Xu Lyn finally can run when she shoulder throw another thug but didnt forget to pull the frozen Sy Tengfei.

When they finally find a safe they Sy Tengfei called the police to report,

After everything is finally calm down Mu Jiao Jiao scream

"Oh my god!i forget that our Lynlyn is actually a karate and judo champion!you are so cool Lynlyn!"

"Really?classmate Xu is really amazing!i thought she only excel in academics!wow!"

"I know right?her medals and trophy are all indefirent categories!"

Xu Lyn's head get bigger and bigger but it was exploded by Sy Tengfei's words

"What do you think you did?do you think it was a game?a play?you know clearly that was veru dangerous but you still rush in!and why the hell both of you are there?Xu Lyn are you following me?cant i have a little privacy now?are you that desperate?"

Mu Jiao Jiao eyes become ablaze nobody is allowed to insult her bestfriend!

"You shut up!it was clearly just worried about the two of you!and we are not

Mu Jiao Jiao didnt manage to finish her words when Xu Lyn suddenly pull her and explain

"I am sorry okay?i was just curious about you!i really want to learn a lot about you!i didnt mean for you to feel that i am barging into your privacy!i am really sorry if you feel that way!but maybe you are right!maybe i am really become desparate!dont worry i wont dare anymore"

After saying that she pull Mu Jiao Jiao away and left without looking back

Sy Tengfei was startled and guilty hw really didnt mean to say that but he was just so worried!

He wants to chase and apologize but he cant leave Feng Lan alone!so he invite her

"I will send you back"

Feng Lan look at the way Xu Lyn and Mu Jiao Jiao left and walk back home,her home is very near the school so after just 10 minutes walk they arrive but before she enter she ask

"So what will happen to the thugs?"

"I already report them!the police will call me if they already catch those thugs!dont worry!i will report alone,you girls can just relax!"

Feng Lan nodded and said slowly

"Um it is not that i want to intervene on your relationship!i know i dont have the right to do so but Classmate Xu Lyn really likes you!she is really nice girl!i never met anyone like her so please be more nice to her!i understand that you are just concern to her but the way you are showing it is extremely wrong!anyway i just hope that you are more nicer to her!and thank you very much for today!i wont forget this"

Sy Tengfei just casually nod his head,when Feng Lan already enter their house he turn back and call

"Have you found the bastards?"

He ask his colleague,when he heard the positive answer he smiled evily,he wants to clean up those as*****s first before he go to Xu Lyn to apologize but he didnt know that the apologize can never give anymore.

In a highest floor of luxurious hotel a man middle age man with a black suit was watching a video while talking on a phone

"But sir we still didnt know which is the girl that you are looking for!becuase everytime this Sy Tengfei will show up there is two women who will appear at the same place with him!at first we already lock the target her name is Feng Lan!when we investigate her she is fits perfectly about the clue you gave us but Sy Tengfei came in,and get close to Xu Lyn, the report about her is a scholar from then till now!she is not an orphan but when we tried to dig about her more there is always seems to be a problem,even we already use the number hacker we cant still dig anything out!"

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