Chapter 49:that wolf wont wait

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"Grandpa,grandma,dad,mom and big brother,stop hurting your throats in this never ending topic of yours,me and Sy Tengfei just confirm our relation today,what you are talking and arguing about is still too far ahead!please let us take slower"

Xu Bai snorted and ask

"Do you think that wolf beside you can still wait longer?"

"Brother its rude to call a person a wolf okay?and what do you mean by that?Sy Tengfei will surely wait!"


After admonishing her brother he ask Sy Tengfei

Sy Tengfei smile mysteriously and nod,Xu Lyn ignore the smile,when he nods Xu Lyn look back at her brother with gloating expression so Xu Bai said

"Lynlyn you're too naive!"

Xu Lyn eyes widen she was about to talk back but Sy Tengfei's voice echoed

"Lynlyn's decision will be my decision,i will do as she please,i wont pressure Lynlyn"

The living room become extremely quiet and everyone agreed although they do look outside but they have different reactions inside,

anyway Lynlyn already said that it will still take time and Sy Tengfei agreed so they will just wait and see for now.

Sy Tengfei become more diligent being Xu Lyn's driver,assistant and chef specially when her retaurant finally open,

If he will not come to look for her he is sure she wont loom fo him aswell!although a little dissatisfied but Sy Tengfei cant do anything against Xu Lyn.

Xu Lyn keep on working for a whole month,she felt exhausted but happy and contented,her labor will bore fruit sooner or later!

While dining with Sy Tengfei Xu Lyn almost choke from the food when he suddenly said

"Lynlyn its been a while now since we start dating,so can i make an arrangement for you to meet my parents?"

After a round of coughing Xu Lyn ask

"If i am not mistaken its just month right?why are you sounds like a wife who is abandoned by a heartless man?"

Sy Tengfei purse his lips and voice out his dissatisfaction

"I am just afraid that you will abandon me!i want some a little reassurance okay?i am really insecure!"

Xu Lyn felt her heart is being prick while listening to him so she softened

"Okay we'll do meet your parents,when?"

"Just meet them?"

Xu Lyn look confused,didnt he want her to meet his parents?what else could it be?

"Okay tell me what should i do so you will feel secure?i'll do anything okay?"

After that she sat beside him and hug while patting his back,like consoling a beaten child

Sy Tengfei smirk when he heard it so he firmly grab this opportunity

"Lets get engage okay?i just really want to announce to everyone that you are mine!please okay?"

Xu Lyn took really pity on him so she agree without hesitating because she was busy comforting him so she missed the sly smirk of the man she is hugging.

When the Xus heard that she will soon meet the Sys they didnt react much,they know that the Sy will love Xu Lyn but Xu Bai's reaction is different,he has this unreadable expression so Xu Lyn ask

"Brother whats wrong?"

Xu Bai snort and answer with disdain

"Lynlyn you are truly silly!he already dug a large pit for you yet you still didnt understand?"

Xu Lyn has a huge question mark floating in her head but Xu Bai didnt talk anymore and just walk away

Whats wrong with him?its just engagement,there are many couple who got engaged earlier but married later

But she didnt know that her brother is right,only Xu Bai knows how cunning and black belly Sy Tengfei is,so her fool and naive sister is no match to him so the marriage is already in the wolf's grasp.

Meeting the parents feels like a judgement day Xu Lyn thought

They are now on the way to the Sy house and the near they are her heart is beating more faster

Sy Tengfei notice her edgy feeling so he assure her

"Darling dont worry!they will love you!dont be nervous"

Xu Lyn clutch his hand and ask in a trmbling voice

"What i-i-if they do-do-dont like me?"

"Only blind wont like you okay?trust me my love,and whatever their reaction to you it wont change anything between us okay?we will still be happy and be more happy"

Xu Lyn finally felt a little better

"Thank you!you really are the best!"

Sy Tengfei happily accepted the wife's thanks and kiss her tenderly as a reward for himself

Aligning the car Xu Lyn already saw the magnificent estate

Sy family is the real deal!Xu Lyn marvel to herself,she grew up in a rich family but compare to them the significant of Sy is huge!

Xu Lyn's hand is held tight by Sy Tengfei so she felt the burden in her heart is lesser

The whole Sy is already waiting to them when they enter the estate Sy Tengfei greeted them first and Xu Lyn followed

"Elder sir,elder madam, sir and madam Sy,hello"

SyTengfei's mother and grandmother was dissapointed so Sy Tengfei urge Xu Lyn to call them again so she did

"Grandpa and grandma sy!aunt and uncle hello!how are you?"

The elders is finally satisfied so they finally smile even though grandpa Sy is a resigned general his appearance is more softer compare to more solemn look of papa Sy,but their faces is undeniably handsome.

Grandma Sy has dignified yet gentle countenance and mama Sy has more soft side,

After greetimg them mama and grandma Sy pull her to sit beside them,Xu Lyn look back at Sy Tengfei before she happily sat beside the elder ladies

"Lynlyn how was your life abroad?was it hard??

Ask grandma Sy

"At first it was,but later my grandparents follow me so it was not that hard anymore!i actually learned a lot from there"

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