Chapter 2: What?

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  Sighing softly while remembering the dean Xu Lyn look up and become curious on what the dean is doing now, after contemplating a bit she look ahead and froze when she saw a man and woman fighting in front of her, she subconciously tighten the grip on her phone and ready to make a call when she heard

"We are already broken up!so stop showing up in front of me!"

"I didnt i agree! Mo Tian you are my boyfriend and my future husband i will kill you and kill myself if you insist on breaking up with me!!!"

After that the girl bring out a sharp knife from her bag and swing it in front of the man, the man was shock and scared silly so he started running away in Xu Lyn's way.

Xu Lyn was petrified when she saw this, she wanted to run aswell but her body is not listening to her,when the man run pass her the girl follow and shove her aside.

After she was pushed aside Xu Lyn didnt know what happen next, she just saw an extremely glaring light coming towards her, loud horn of a truck, missirable shriek and her body flew away like a kite and everything was dark.

In a huge pink soft bed the girl's lashes tremble and slowly opening her eyes, but suddenly she jolted awake and look around.

Her eyes was big, black watery eyes look around. After a while she check herself.

The waist length satiny black hair, the chubby white hands and cute little feet was obviously not hers!

"Wtf!!!i dont believe in evil!!! What is happening here?!!!!"

Xu Lyn was greatly shocked on what bizzare thing is happening to her!

She was sure that she was hit and died on the spot, she was sure because she felt that something is sucking her soul out.

Waking up after dying was still impossible specially in a body that clearly not hers!

After remembering how she died she whine inwardly while punching a pillow

"WTF! i was clearly just a passerby! Why do they have to include me!can they just fight on thier own??! What did i do to them!WHY??WHY??!!"

While rolling in the bed and fighting the pillow a sudden knock stopped Xu Lyn, and started to perspire.

She didnt know is this real or lucid dream, if its real who owns the body that she is using now so pretend a little will do.

"Young miss are you okay?"

A worried middle aged voice came through

"I-i-im fine, just a dream, ill sleep again!go-go-goodnight"

The person outside didnt react but knock again

"Young miss are you really alright? You sound different?"


Xu Lyn slap her mouth and was shock!she cant believe it!she was never this impolite specially in elderly while in her midst of shock the person outside sigh and retreat silently

"Ooh the miss sound fine,maybe just my hallucination that she sounds polite for a while"

Xu Lyn didnt know how long she finally fell sleep but she felt she slept for too long.

She dream or rather she saw the memory of the original body's owner.

Her name is Xu Lyn aswell 5 years old little and the only princess of the elusive family Xu, because she is the only grand daughter of the Xu patriarch that is why she is spoiled rotten.

So her mannersm is crude!her believes is i'll take whatever i want, wether you agree or not, but because almost of the people around her knows her and want to brown nose to her family so they will give her what she wants.

She is so impolite, nobody can control her temper, all the maids will just cry and leave because of her extreme temper,but the family are just turning blind eye and will even tolerate her more.

Xu Lyn woke up sweating remembering what kind of child she is in right now, she massage her little head and sigh heavyly

"I cant be like her but what can i do so nobody will notice that the real little princess is not her?this is the parents fault!they can dote more they want but they should have any precaution about what will happen to the childs future!damn it,who will love her truly if she will grow up like that?never really understand the rich people!"

While grumbling at herself she stand up and walk to the toilet for freshening up,its good that even the girl is spoiled rotten she is quite independent in her personal sanitary.

After simple freshen up she called the maids to help her change her clothes and tidy up her hair.

3 young and pretty women came in,the little princess doesnt care about the maids so it was not surprising that she didnt know who they are, after sighing silently in her heart she let them help her and didnt make any ruckus at all.

The maids are looking with each other with the same expression is the miss sick? Didnt make any fuss at all! Is the world is about to collapse?

Xu Lyn just shook her head secretly and let them,anyway she cannot punish them so she just keep still.

After tidying up she go out to eat her breakfast,she already saw the whole villa in the little princess memory but when she saw it she was still in awe!never thought that the house is this magnificent!

Arriving at the dinning room she is not shock seeing nobody in a long table,it was always like this,she can only eat alone in this huge house.

Understanding the little princess a bit she start eating but still preoccupied in her thoughts.

After eating the butler came to her and remind her the learning schedule for today

Xu Lyn look hard at the butler and ask

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