Chapter 28:really wrong!

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The other side keep quite for a while and said in a foreign language

"Just take them both!if one is real then kill the other and if both is fake then kill both"

The man shiver of the coldness of the voice at the other side but he still respectfuly replied 'yes' before the call is cut off.

Meanwhile Mu Jiao Jiao keep on talking while walking

"Lynlyn!why did you stop me?you shouldnt let him belittle you!fine if you will say that he was worried but he shouldnt say those mean things to you!and why did you stop me when i was about to explain about following him!we didnt follow him at all okay!"

Xu Lyn smile bitterly and explain in a very low voice

"Jiao Jiao he will not believe!he will just think that we are making just an excuse!i dont want this to become bigger!sorry if i pull you in this!i am really wrong!i should just wake up!"

She was about to continue but her phone rang when she saw who was calling her hand shook and in her mind there is loud I AM IN TROUBLE voice.

"Jiao Jiao sorry!my brother is calling!go home okay?i will call you later!bye!"

Before Mu Jiao Jiao can react she is already far from her

Seeing her panic Mu Jiao Jiao is a little worried it is the first time she saw how panic Xu Lyn is when she recieve thag call at most her eyes will twink if she recieve her brother's call but now while thinking hard her mom called

"Mu Jiao Jiao i want you home now!"

Mu Jiao Jiao's head buzz!the news really travel so fast!

Thinking how her mother sound so angry she run towards her driver and urge him to drive a little faster!

Xu Lyn is already in her brother's car sitting very well behaved while his brother is sitting beside her at the baxk sit sorting out some documents,she wants to ask but she knows that his brother is really mad this time.

When they arrived home Xu Bai still didnt talk to her and just directly enter the house,she felt that she will choke up with her emotions,her eyes are already red but she keep trying to not to cry,so she can only swallow.

When she enter the house she is not shock when she saw that except her parents and brother grandpa and grandma Xu is there aswell

Seeing her coming papa Xu calmly said

"Sit down!"

Xu Lyn nodded and sit in a only available solo sofa chair in front of them sitting straight while bowing down is quite wierd posture but she manage to do it showing how guilty she is

"Do you know your wrong?"

Xu Lyn flinch a little,it was the first time her brother use such cold voice to her

Seeimg her nod meekly father Xu ask

"Then tell us!"

Xu Lyn nod ans start talking slowly while keeping her head down

"I was wrong for puting myself in danger!"


Grandpa Xu suddenly said in a loud voice

"Your mistake is to actually like a useless boy!if not for him you wouldnt put yourself in danger!and even bring another girl with you!"

Grandma Xu weakly pat her husband's back to calm him down

Xu Lyn didnt agree nor disagree but just keep quiet,mother Xu cannot take it anymore so she ask mildly

"Lynlyn just explain to us properly okay?tell us clearly what happen and we will listen"

Xu Lyn still didnt look up and start talking in a small voice

"I am not wrong for liking him"


Grandpa said angyly but Xu Lyn continue

"But i am wrong for not taking any consideration around me!i am wrong for puting Jiao Jiao in a dangerous situation!i am wrong for being impulsive and"

The whole family is quietly listening to her specially when they heard her started to sob but still keep on trying to talk clearly

"I am really wrong when not thinking about my family!i am wrong for making you worry!"

Mother and grandmother Xu cannot take it anymore so they hug her while she still apologizing but already crying very hard

"And i am really wrong for being selfish!i-i-im r-r-r-really sorry!mom!dad!grandpa!grandma and brother!i am really sorry!sorry!s-s-sorry!i am really bad!"

Grandma and mother Xu is already crying with her while trying to stop her crying and the Xu men stood up and hug encircling the ladies to hug them

"Sorry Lynlyn we shouldnt have that hard on you!brother is wrong also okay?"

"Baby you are our little princess!we love you so much that when we heard what happen we almost collapsed!but darling dad is really wrong to talk to like that sorry baby!"

"My granddaughter grandpa cant dont know what he will do if something uncalled happen to you!we really love you so that is why we are really worried about you!sorry Lynlyn for shouting at you!"

Xu Lyn keep on shaking his head while sobbing and crying hard

"I-i-it wa-wa-wasnt a-a-any-anyone's fault i-i-it w-w-was m-m-me!"

"Hush,hush baby!okay stop crying already!we understand!we really do!please darling stop crying already!"

Xu Lyn nod and sniff trying hard to stop crying

Her family saw how her eyes are already swollen so she let her go back to school but she still needs to be punish,and that is she will not fo to school for 3 days Xu Lyn agree wholeheartedly

When she enter her room she directly called Mu Jiao Jiao

"Jiao Jiao!are you okay?did your parents heard what happen today?"

Mu Jiao Jiao was originally in a bad mood but when she heard her voice she become worried instead

"Lynlyn you okay?did your family punished you so hard?tell me?"

Xu Lyn sobbed more

"Sorry Jiao Jiao!i was really selfish!i didnt really think that you might hurt!really sorry Jiao Jiao!i understand if you will stop being my bestfriend and i understand if your parents are really mad i will accept anything!"

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