Chapter 22:is this a dream?

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"No i am not feel burden or annoyed or feel that you are hateful!i call you to ask you is um is that can we?"

Xu Lyn's eyes widened cover her chest and look around?

"I am still young!although not yet ready but i am not afraid!but is the place appropriate?if w-w-w-we d-d-do i-i-it?"

Sy Teng is flabbergasted what the?

"I am not talking about that!"

He almost laugh loudly when he saw her slightly relief and disappointment in the girls eyes

"So you are saying is k-k-ki-"

"Not kiss aswell!i am saying can we oficially date?"

Xu Lyn was in daze for a long time

Sy Tengfei was startled when she suddenly pinch himself

"You!why are you pinching me?"

Xu  Lyn was scared blow the hand she pinched and apologize quickly

"I am sorry!really sorry!i i just want to confirm if it is just a dream?maybe i will wake up suddenly!"

Sy Tengfei take back his hand and didnt know how to react  should you pinch yourself if you thought that you are dreaming?why pinch me?

Although he really want to open the girls head hoping to see what is inside of that brain of her.

Sighing deeply he just change the subject

"So do you want to go to the milktea shop in front?"

Xu Lyn nod her head like a chicken pecking in corn and stand up to follow him but suddenly stop

"Um can we go next time?Jiao Jiao and i made an appointment earlier!"

Sy Tengfei stop and ask

"Where you will meet her?"

"Same milktea shop that you are talking about!"

"I am going to disturb you if a come along?"

Xu Lyn look at him with rounded eyes

"Ofcourse not!who would dare to say that?i actually like it if you tag along,so i can officially introduce you to my bestfriend if you dont mind?"

Sy Tengfei chuckle and lead her the meaning is obvious!

Mu Jiao Jiao smile widely when she saw Xu Lyn and Sy Tengfei walking together in her direction

Seeing her bestfriends bashful appearance she already know what is happening without any explanation

"Jiao Jiao!have you wait long?sorry i am late!and by the way Jiao Jiao i want you to meet Classmate Sy Tengfei and we are oficially dating!"

Xu Lyn almost squirm while she is telling this,her excitement and happiness are pretty obvious that Mu Jiao Jiao laugh aloud

"Okay okay i know already without you informing me!come on let us sit and order!dont be shy!Lynlyn will treat us!"

The last sentence are obviously for Sy Tengfei.

Sy Tengfei didnt know that the young girls way of communicating are this crazy!

Like when his mission and his coleague came in

"Lynlyn look look!did you see that new student?i heard he is extreme in sport!he is good at every sport!"

"Really?why he look thin?"

"Dont just look at his loose uniform okay?i bet that he is masculine type!"

"Ooh!like you will be sandwich between his biceps?but i dont want that type!"

Sy Tengfei cough unnaturally

"Dont worry Tengteng i like your type!thin but strong!"

Sy Tengfei cough again

"What did you just call me?"

"Tengteng?or should i call you Feifei?"

Mu Jiao Jiao look away but the shake of her shoulder or obviously sign that she is laughing really hard

"Forget it!call whatever you want"

Xu Lyn just smile and continue their conversation

"Look at the sister aswell!very pretty!i want to make her small and make her my keychain!"

"Or cellphone accessories!but look look Jiao Jiao!the girl beside her!"

"Ya Lynlyn i know!she is like a only white in all red roses!"

"Like the moon in the sky!"

"Like street lamp in a dim street"

"Like the only flashlight in a hunted house!"

"Like torch in a cave!"

"Like freshly picked vegetable in a market!"

"Like newly bloomed flower in a sidewalk!"

"Like a your favorite blanky!"

"Like your very first stuff toy!"

Sy Tengfei suddenly cant take it

"Okay okay enough!i get what you mean!"

"Like the feeling of first love!"

"Like the feeling of first love!"

The two girl said in unison and laugh

While they are laughing hard they didnt realize that the subject of their entertaining is already in front of them.

Sy Tengfei didnt react at all but Xu Lyn and Mu Jiao Jiao almost choke when they heard a sweet call

"Umm excuse me classmate Xu Lyn"

"Yes!hello classmate!what happen?how can i help you?tell me dont be shy!eer by the way how do you know me?"

"Actually all the students at school know you!but can we share your table?there is no available anymore!"

Xu Lyn look around and found that the shop is actually full

"Sit!sit!no need to be shy!this table is exactly for us!so our table can be illuminated!"

"Yes!yes!come and sit!"

Mu Jiao Jiao butt in and ask

"By the way i am Mu Jiao Jiao!yes she is Xu Lyn and the boy is Sy Tengfei"

"Hello pretty sister!we already know you all here,you are actually famous in school!i am Fu Ying she is Feng Lan and that brute is Qi Jiu"

After they greeted each other Feng Lan said shyly

"A-a-actually classmate Xu Lyn i really admire you!you are really great in anything you do!"

Xu Lyn cover her face and said with embarassment

"Thank you for admiring me!actually i admire myself aswell!but"

She look at at Sy Tengfei shyly and Feng Lan finishing her words

"Actually i believe that its our choice who we like even its same a girl or boy or even alien i dont have any discrimination!you are good!maybe if i know you earlier maybe you will be my first love but i already someone i like!please dont be sad!"

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