Chapter 19:Huge surprise

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The Xu family at the other room start eating while conversing

"So now i realized what i did really shameful!mom i want to bury myself in hole now!"

"Because if you didnt forget our appointment and you listen well you wouldnt barge in a different room and do those embarassing things"

Big brother Xu chided softly but Xu Lyn still pout and still think iy was her brothers fault

The are listening with interest on the side not taking anyone's side

They dont go out much the 3 of them are actually feel guilty towards Xu Lyn

They dont spend much time with her anymore

So every now and then whenever they have a chance they will surely spend it with her.

When Sy Tengfei and his coleagues are done the Xu family already left

They even paid for their bill,they naturaly wants to refuse but they didnt see them anymore.

Anyway that is how they show how spoiled the girl is!they can do a lot of things for her

"I think ms. Xu's husband's criteria will be high!he has to pass a lot test and after that he has to have a lot of patient to spoil her!tsk tsk tsk,ya but even if its me a fairy like that to become my wife?i'll surely spoil her to death aswell!"

Ye Ai kick Fu Ping and mock him

"Do you think that you have the ability?you are not to fit to carry even her shoes!maybe if its Sy Tengfei he have a chance!"

Sy Tengfei snort

"I dont have a patient in those kind of brats"

Ye Ai inwardly say i hope so but a certain someone didnt know that this sentence will be a resounding slap in his face in the near future

He didnt know that when the time comes he already given all!but he will feel that it was still not enough!

But it will be the topic much more later on!

The most awaited time of  Xu Lyn finally came!

The midterm exam result will be posted today

She has mixed feelings this time,that is why she didnt sleep well last night!

Her heart is beating very fast,while she is getting nearer and nearer in the school she feels that her heart will burst because of palpitation.

Xu Lyn came the earliest,when she arrive she directly stand at the bulleting board waiting for the result

She was keep praying,she even call all the god she knew from previous life to her new life

But when the result list finally came Xu Lyn cant look at all!

She felt like she wants to run!it was the second time since she got rebirth that she felt scared!

The other students who came to look at the result look at her wierdly first before proceeding.

Xu Lyn heard gasp and shock and different kinds of emotiona from her schoolmates when Mu Jiao Jiao came she directly pull her and make her look at the result

She close her eyes before she can see it but suddenly open when she heard Mu Jiao Jiao

"Oh my god Lynlyn!i cant believe this!aaah!"

Xu Lyn look dazely at the result and almost jump 10feet when she saw the number 1

1.Sy Tengfei 710 points and Xu Lyn 710 points

"aaahhhhh! Jiao Jaio i made it!i am still in number 1!ahhhh!i am so awesome!ahahaha!"

Screamed Xu Lyn while jumping with Mu Jiao Jiao

"Yes!yes!our Lynlyn is really the best!i am so proud of you!"

The other students look at them annoyed

Thinking there is nothing new in Xu Lyn being number 1 right?ever since they remember it was always the same

But who can tell them who is this Sy Tengfei?

To sit on the highest spot with Xu Lyn?why nobody heard about him before?

And the point is the exam is only untill 700 right?where the other 10 came from?

Xu Lyn never cared about the exam her only concern is the result so she never care

Before she sit down on her chair she didnt forget her gift for her classmate Sy,

After puting in she sat down and waited for him excitedly like it was never before!

Sy Tengfei look in daze in the result
'I am in trouble!'

He was confident that she will be kick out from her spot but how?

He massage his eyebrows and think of what to do next

He cant go back to what he said before!as a man and a soldier their words are weighing more than anything!

Sighing heavily he come in and was startled to the girls obvious sparkling eyes that looking directly at him

He dont know why he have this feeling of wanting to run away, he felt like he is a meek girl who will be bullied by a big bad wolf?

He was thankful that the teacher already came before she even start talking to him

"Great job for everyone!i didnt expect that it will happen!we got two who is in the first spot!but before that let me explain to you guys why their score exeed the test!firstly classmate Sy Tengfei"

Sy Tengfei took his exam and stand aside waiting for the teacher to continue

"He is right in all the questions and he was given 10 more points by the math teachers!as you can see how he solved the problem is different from you guys!and personally i dont quite understand aswell but the math teachers said that his solving math is more higher than any other highschoolers!so the math teachers give him more!and he deserved it!so any questions?"

The class didnt say anything,anyway even if they want to protest how can they that now?it was obviously math!

"Okay our next one is ofcourse you already knew!Classmate Xu Lyn!she is always in the number one spot,before it was only perfect score,but now i dont know what chicken blood she was injected for her to have extra 10 score aswell!"

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