Chapter 26:unfolding bit by bit

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Xu Mei is confused since morning,biting her lips she think hard again

But she really didnt remember wrong!the stupid students from class 7 will make a 'prank' to Feng Lan but she it was almost time for lunch break but still nothing happens!

They do change their minds?

So when the lunchbreak comes she hurriedly meet with the class 7

But she was shocked when they ask her what is Feng Lan's reaction while grinning

"What did you do? you guys did something bad?i thought you listened to me because nothing happens!you guys are really!"

Her word is extremely kind but deep she just wants to know what is happening why nothing works on Feng Lan?

What kind of devil luck is this?

But she didnt know that the 2 "devil's luck are secretly snickering thinking that this a bit of prank will never work on them!

Blocking the bully and pranks for Feng Lan is not part of the job of the undercovers but Ye Ai and Fu Ping cant just watch them bully her!

Ofcourse part of the mission is to check every part of the school and even Feng Lan's personal space like her locker and shoe cabinet and desk and chair!

So when they saw frogs in her shoe cabinet they clean it,caterpillars in her locker they throw it,and even the dead rat in her desk was cleaned up by them.

For them it was just a childish prank so they just going to let it pass

But if its become a real danger they will not gonna let it pass easily.

Xu Mei found out that they really do something but she cant understans that why everthing is fine?

Even a hair of a dead rat that they talked about is never found in Feng Lan's desk!

She grit her teeth and calmly send a message its good that your prank didnt work on her!but you guys stop it okay?i am sure that she wont be scared be anything at all!so just let her be okay?

When the recipient read it she throw her phone and loudly say


the other just look at her but one of the classmate ask

"Why you are so angry in this Feng Lan?she didnt do anything to you right?i mean who will dare?"

"What didnt do anything?that little b**** is always with Qi Jiu!she obviously seduce him!that s***!"

The the other girl just nod her head,it was clear now!

Every one knows that this girl really like Qi Jiu,she even confess 3 times but rejected mercilessly!

The girl gritted her teeth think of a way to make that Feng Lan regret on seducing Qi Jiu!

Xu Lyn woke up in the middle of the night again!

Same as before!nightmare that she cant understand!but this time she remember some faces,it was her, Xu Mei and Feng Lan?

What is her dream about?what is happening?but if she remember it correctly

Something is happening to Feng Lan?massaging her head she look out and try to sleep again although hard but still she managed to.

But when she woke up she still a bit unenergetic but still cooked for Sy Tengfei although he never accept them but she felt that she will never get tired of it!

Maybe that is just natural of you really like someone right?

While on the way she suddenly remember her dream and look around and found the familiar alleyway!

That is the exact way that she dream of right?

When she realized something she shudder

She hurriedly look for Mu Jiao Jiao when she arrive at school

She was relief that Mu Jiao Jiao is already arrive and pull her

"Jiao Jiao i have to tell you something!but please dont think that i am monster or what!'

Mu Jiao Jiao look at her and giggle

"Arent you a monster?do you think i think or everybody think that you are normal?"

Xu Lyn inwardly roll her eyes but still tell her

"I have a dream!i dont know how but i Feng Lan in there!and it seems that something not good is happening to her!i dont know the exact details in my dream but i think something is deffinitely gonna happen to her!"

Mu Jiao Jiao think for a while and suddenly suggested

"Okay so why not we follow her secretly?so we can see if your dream is true or not!you know?we cant just go to her saying that and that!she will think that we are crazy!so we will only gp secretly okay?"

Xu Lyn nodded but still felt heavy in her heart she really hopes that it was only just a dream!nothing else.

It was Sy Tengfei's schedule to guard from near Feng Lan but Feng Lan doesnt have any schedule today so he cant invite Xu Lyn to hang out.

Because his house and Feng Lan's place is close so he can follow stalk openly.

Xu Lyn and Mu Jiao Jiao go straight to tje alleyway when the school was over,they squat there for almost 30 minutes until Feng Lan arrive

When they saw her they quickly hide,after Feng Lan pass them a group of thugs come at the other side,

Xu Lyn tremble when she saw it.

Her dream become reality!

Xu Lyn an Mu Jiao Jiao eyes widened when one of the thugs almost touch Feng Lan the girls almost jump out but a boy suddenly came and pull the girl away!

Xu Lyn gasp when she saw that it was actually Sy Tengfei!

She was shaking hard!Sy Tengfei is about to hit she finally came out and to their direction,Mu JiaoJiao was a little less,although she is scared aswell but now helping others is the most important for now!

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