Chapter 58:never again

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Xu Bai is still in his deep thought when Sy Tengfei come in

"I will be here,go home and be with your wife,stay with yours not with someone else's wife"

Xu Bai's mouth twitch

"She is my sister before she become your wife!so stop your nonsense"

Sy Tengfei didnt paid him any attention and just push him out

The kicked out Xu Bai just sigh defeatedly and left,Mu Jiao Jioa wants to be with Xu Lyn all the time but the petty Sy Tengfei is not allowing anyone near Xu Lyn for maximum 1 hour!

Even their parents and even his twin son!

The doctor even suggested that maybe her sons can help her wake up if they can stay beside their mom but the cheapo Sy Tengfei refuse

Nobody understand Sy Tengfei's psychology but maybe he dont want to left Xy Lyn in someone else's care?

Did he stop trusting the people around him?

Xu Bai sigh and just left,he really hope that Xu Lyn will wake up soon,since she fell asleep the whole world become dark.

Inside the room Sy Tengfei touch Xu Lyn's face while murmuring

"Wife wake up soon okay?i know it was tiring but havent you got enough rest?please just open your eyes!if you dont open your eyes i am gonna throw away your sons!you hear me?please open your eyes"

Sy Tengfei didnt know how many times he begged for her to wake up,he already threaten her for the nth time but it was no use but he still keeps on doing it still hoping that maybe it will have an effect

Sitting tiredly in the chair beside her bed he took her hand and clasp it in both of his and put it in his forehead seemingly praying but he is just begging while crying

"Lynlyn i dont know what will i do!everyday i am hoping,praying and begging that you will wake up soon!seeing you like this is like acid corroding my inside bit by bit!its painful but its the only proof that i am still alive,wife please wake up soon!please open your eyes,i dont know what to say and do,please,please"

While he is immerse in his own solitaryness he didnt notice that the hand he was holding slightly twitch

Xu Lyn's eyes flutter,she felt too weak?moving a finger is very hard,she felt her whole body is heavy

After waiting a little more Xu Lyn's body finally regain a little strength but before she can move she heard a painful whisper and small sob beside her

Looking at her side her eyes widen when she saw familiar figure,

Using her available hand she slowly remove the oxygen mask and call him


But Sy Tengfei didnt hear her but the ventilator made a warning sound

He panicked and was about to call the stay in doctors but was frozen when he saw Xu Lyn's eyes are open and the oxygen mask in her hand

"Xu Lyn?wife?"

Xu Lyn saw how haggard he is,her heart broke when she saw the tears stain face

She wanted to touch him very much so she raise her hand to him

Sy Tengfei stiffly catch her hand,when he feel that she hold him back he cried

"Wife you are finally awake!its good!its good!wait darling i will call the doctors okay?"

But before he can leave she call out

"Sy Tengfei,i missed you!i really did miss you!"

Sy Tengfei look back and kiss her tenderly and lovingly and open the door to call the doctors

Sy Tengfei was push out while Xu Lyn is being checked by the doctors,while waiting outside he didnt forget to call the families

When the doctors come out they were visually relive

"Mr.Sy your wife is now officially awake!congratulations!but for now she is still weaker so she will still mostly stay in bed and sleepy but she will recover soon,she is still young so her recovery will be faster sure"

Sy Tengfei just nod and come in and slam the door shut,he look at the woman in the bed and come closer step by step

Xu Lyn smile and reach out,so he took a large step and finally hug her

"Tengteng you dont know!i had a dream,i thought i wont see you again!i was really scared!where's our babies?bring them to me!i want to see them!"

Sy Tengfei hug her a little tighter,Xu Lyn patted his back gently and buried her head in his arms

Xu Lyn stiffen when she felt a burning hot liquid fell in her shoulder,her heart felt someone is squeezing it,

Clearing her throat she comforted her with her nassaly voice

"Husband i am sorry i made you wait and made you worry!i will not anymore i promise!i will stick to you like a sticky rice,even if you get annoyed i wont leave your side so be prepare okay?the doctors said that its been 3 months since i give birth,they praise me for being strong,waking up after only 3 months!am i great?"

Sy Tengfei stop crying and look at her with a smile

"As long as you are okay!and dont worry!i plan to tie you beside me for thw rest of my life!you will not leave and cannot leave and you are not allowed to regret it okay?no turning back!"

Xu Lyn kiss him lovingly and nodded the atmosphere was extremely warm but destroy by a loud and urgent knock Sy Tengfei open the door and was push aside

"My Lynlyn is really awake!Lynlyn i missed you to death!huhuhu!its good that you are finally awake!whaaaaahhh!"

Mu Jiao Jiao hug her tightly while bawling and,Xu Lyn hug her back helplessly and look around

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