Chapter 20:i am getting married?

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Xu Lyn stand up and come infront step by step

In her eyes there is only Sy Tengfei beside the priest sorry scratch that beside the teacher everything around her seems like they disappear

It was magical,the feeling like no other matters,just the two of them does

While getting nearer and nearer the blush on her face keeps getting denser and denser

The teacher cough and joke

"Classmate Xu!this is not a marriage march!"

"I-i-i do!"

The whole class burst on laughter and the teacher make a quiet sign

"Classmate Xu stop joking around!"

"Teacher i am actually not!oh my!please let me breath first before you ask us to k-k-ki-ki-kiss!"

The class laugh more loudly and Sy Tengfei's mouth twitch this girl!

"Okay enough!now let me explain to you guys why classmate Xu got an extra 10 points, this is her written essay!okay just look at it and i know you'll understand why!"

The class was abuzz for a while and after a minute they become silent again

Okay all of them in class 1 are not stupid,that is why they are in that class but when they see how the work of those two they felt stupid!

Are they even a human?after sighing they accepted the result happily

Anyway dont compare yourself to them,they are actually monsters!

While the teacher is discussing the result Xu Lyn keep on looking at Sy Tengfei and she keeps on blushing more until her face become a cooked lobster!

Xu Lyn was startled when her classmate clap their hands and become rowdy so she ask

"Is this the time that we will k-k-k-kiss?"

Sy Tengfei shook his head and hurriedly sit,he really dont know how to react with this girl!

While the others are cheering and loving the bestfriend will never be late in anything

"Lynlyn congratulations!you finally did it!i am so happy for you!red envelope!"

"Thank you Jiao Jiao for always cheering me on!i dont know if i will keep on if not for you!dont worry you will surely be our c-c-ch-child's godmother okay?"

And she look and Sy Tengfei asking

"So h-h-ho-how m-m-ma-many do you want?"

The whole class become more rowdy and Sy Tengfei just hid his face in his arm didnt pay attention to the crazy girl anymore

The teacher's eyes are twitching while saying

"Classmate Xu are really funny!"

Xu Lyn pouted and whisper

"I am really serious!whose time to joke?this is important matter you know?"

The sensitive man in front heard it and laugh secretly really this girl!

He didnt even realize how helpless he sounded and how she is getting near in succeeding.

When the teacher left Xu Lyn hurriedly ask

"Classmate Sy!classmate Sy!you are really great!i like you more now!i never thought that there is someone who is more awesome than me!"

Sy Tengfei's mouth twitch so are you praising me or yourself?


"So about our deal?"

Sy Tengfei sigh when he saw the carefulness on the girls eyes


Xu Lyn squirm and quickly promise

"You will never regret it!i promise!i will make sure that you will be happy and contented!"

"Okay wait wait!we only agree that you will chase me right?not girlfriend?"

Xu Lyn blush when she heard the word girlfriend in his lips and reply in daze

"Yes i know!i am not in a hurry!are you?"

Sy Tengfei inwardly facepalm

"Good if we are clear!"

"I know!but if you are in a hurry its fine also!"

"I am not!"

Xu Lyn felt a little lost for a while but hurriedly cheer up!

Anyway as long as he let her chase him everything can wait!

While daydreaming about her sweet newly wed life (○^_^○)

Sy Tengfei recieve a secret massage
Agree to the girl

He almost through his phone but still manage to reply without a second thought

Captain she is just a civilian!its our job to protect them!not to harm them!

After just a while there was a reply


Sy Tengfei massage his head he really didnt expect that his captain will use a innocent people!this is a f****** stupid idea!

Yes sir

After replying he just wanted to throw everything around him!

There is the feeling that something inside him is corroding!he wants to destroy a lot of things!

When he felt like his reasoning is almost gone a sweet call pull him back

"Classmate Sy!classmate Sy!you okay?you look pale?is there any pain?"

Sy Tengfei make the breathing exercise,after calming himself he said

"I am fine!"

Xu Lyn didnt ask anymore,but she know it is not,because she is always paying attention to him so she noticed that something is amiss

She is very sensitive in other peoples feeling,she didnt why or how but she thinks that maybe its because she is very insecure in her last life so it was easy for her to notice if something wrong

She doesnt want to make him feel that she is nosy buy she really is worried,

She felt chills over her and she thought that she saw a shadow around him so she hurriedly called out.

She is relief when he sees that he finally calmed down.

She is really worried about him and want to take care of him but she knows that he will not allow it so she can just secretly take care of him.

After sighing again Xu Lyn just look at Sy Tengfei secretly,afraid that he will get angry for some unknown reason again.

Xu Lyn hurriedly stand up and chase Sy Tengfei when the bell rang

"Classmate Sy!please take this lunchbox!this is really for you!"

Sy Tengfei's headache become more intense

Xu Lyn saw him struggling so she just take it back

"Its fine!if you still dont want to accept!i fully understand!dont worry!"

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