Chapter 23: first time rejecting someone

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Thr whole table was quiet for a moment but suddenly a burst of laughter came in!

Except for Sy Tengfei when he saw that shy look that she cast at him he already knew that this girl will say something crazy again!

While his face is black the whole table is enjoying

"Lynlyn you are really something!you reject the beautiful classmate just like that!classmate Feng are you okay?"

"No i am fine!i was just surprised!it was the first time that i was rejected!"

"Right?right?it was my first time rejecting someone aswell!but please dont do it again next time!i dont want my Tengteng to misunderstand!"

Qi Jiu who was just silently listening suddenly splurt from his mouth,and its good that Fu Ying's reflex is very fast so she instantly shield herself using a tray

"Teng teng?"

Qi Jiu ask while coughing

Xu Lyn look at him wierdly and ask

"What is wrong?"

Qi Jiu Shook his head and say nothing

Xu Lyn just make an ooh sound and didnt make any comment anymore

The 2 groups become 1 very fast,Xu Lyn felt comfortable talking with the other 3 students she didnt even realize that all of them are really clique with each other

"But seriously classmate Xu and classmate Sy you 2 are really amazing!i heard it was the first time in school!it only happen in our batch!i am so proud!"

Xu Lyn smile bashfully but talk shamelessly

"Oh come on!it was not a big deal at all!it was just a coincidence that we and Tengteng have the same result!and it just coincidence that our names look like it is link with each other and dont worry our names in marriage certificate will appear together but its not coincidence!aah!oh my god im so shy!"

Sy Tengfei's face darkened again and almost cover the girls mouth with a tape

"Classmate Xu please just it your food!"

Xu Lyn look at Sy Tengfei,when she saw him that he is not joking anymore she shut her mouth and didnt talk anymore.

Later on Xu Lyn still converse with her new friends but she stopped joking with Sy Tengfei anymore!

She is dont particularly feel bad about him being too serious,she actually feel satisfied because he can openly says whatever he wants to say to her without being to pretentious.

The group left but didnt forget to give each others contact number so they can still hang out anytime they have time.

Sy Tengfei bring Xu Lyn where her 'cheap' car is waiting

While inside the car Xu Lyn look at the way Sy Tengfei left.

She dont know why but she felt that he is paying more attention to Feng Lan,its not being interested but the subtle of feeling that wants to protect?

Xu Lyn shook her head and deny it,it was obviously that they just met today so where this feeling came from?

Xu Lyn sigh and convince herself maybe i am just being overly sensitive because i just like him a lot right?am i jealous without any reason?

After sighing again she decided to stop thinkinh anymore and tell herself it is nothing over and over again.

As usual Xu Lyn made a loving lunch box for Sy Tengfei and with cake this time to celebrate their official relation with him and even bought a give that she prepared since last week

The weather is already colder so the knitted scarf she made is very suitable

While packing she is humming a song making it more obvious that she is extremely happy.

When she arrive as usual she put the things under her desk

Xu Lyn's smile never diminish the entire time but when she see Sy Tengfei she smile more brightly and greet him more passionate

"Good morning Tengteng!how are you today?did have your breakfast?"

Sy Tengfei just nod slightly and didnt pay her anymore attention

The other classmates are paying attention to them laugh secretly at Xu Lyn,they thought their relationship has improved but it seems it was just like as before!

Xu Lyn didnt pay attention around here but her smile become less

Until the end of the morning class Sy Tengfei treat Xu Lyn the same

But Xu Lyn just keep on telling herself that he is just shy

Lunchbreak came Xu Lyn thought that atleast Sy Tengfei will eat with her,

So when she ask him

"Tengteng are you not gonna eat with me?i have another lunchbox for you and cake to celebrate!can you atleast eat with me?"

Sy Tengfei just stop for a while and explain in a lukewarm tone

"I still have something to do,sorry"

After saying that he left without looking back

Xu Lyn's smile faltered looking at the cake and lunchbox her eyes redden

Sensing her besfriend's mood Mu Jiao Jiao pat her shoulder and joke

"Its fine Lynlyn!even if i already gained a lot of weight because of your cooking i will still gladly eat them!"

Xu Lyn look at Mu Jiao Jiao smile again although her smile is not the usual one atleast she still tried

While eating Mu Jiao Jiao keep on cheering Xu Lyn up

Although Xu Lyn smile again she knows that it was not the same as before anymore

She is really worried but she cant interfere in her in this kind of thing

She can only advice and cheer her up or if she cant take it anymore she can be the shoulder she can lean on or cry on!

After class Xu Lyn this time tried to give the gift with still great expectation

"Tengteng the weather is getting cold,this is my gift to you!so you wont feel to cold"

Su Tengfei look at the bag and slowly said

"But i dont have a gift for you"

"Its fine!its fine!i just want to give you something!"

"But thats not good!why not wait untill i have i gift aswell and we exchange? For now i will leave first!im in a hurry!"

After saying Xu Lyn is looking at his departimg back again.

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