Chapter 52:Yes!

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Xu Lyn kneel in front of him and gently hold his hand while calling him gingerly

"Sy Tengfei!Sy Tengfei!Sy Tengfei!"

Sy Tengfei is drowning in his own self pity when he heard a gentle call,he thought that he was hallucinating but a hot touch woke him up,

He startled when he saw Xu Lyn in front of him kneelingn in the broken things calling him gently

He stand up abruptly and carried Xu Lyn to sit at the couch,he curse himself when he see her bleeding knee

He turn around to take the medicine kit but Xu Lyn stop him

"Where are you going?"

She ask while still crying?"

He kneel in front of her and gently wipe her tears while explaining

"Lets clean your wound first okay?i'll be back soon"

"No!lets talk first!i dont care about it!i just want to talk to you!"

Sy Tengfei sigh and carried her,taking the medicine box while carrying her and put her down after,

"Okay now lets talk"

He said while cleaning her wound

"Are you still angry?"

Xu Lyn ask attentively

"I am not"

Xu Lyn pout and tell the whole story

"Jiao Jiao regret it already,and i should be the one who is supposed to get mad because you thought that i was cheating on you!but instead here i am chasing after you!but i understand you!so please stop being angry anymore?"

Sy Tengfei has been long done in cleaning her wound and puting medicine so he is just purely listening to her,hearing the whole story he finally enlighten and ask

"Do you blame me?"

Xu Lyn hug him tight and shook her head

"I understand what you feel,so i dont blame you,but if its me i'll curse you to death!i know you just react that strongly because you love me too much and so do i!so please dont doubt me anymore okay?"

Sy Tengfei purse his lips and said slowly

"When it comes to you i really dont have confident,they all said i am good achieving so much at the very young age,i know that i can do a lot of things and have 100% success rate in anyting i do and can do but to you?"

He smile bitterly and continue

"To you i dont have confident,i act shamelessly because i know it is the only way to ge your attention,even you already mine but i am still scared,scared that one dat i will wake up and its all just a dream!Xu Lyn i really love you i cant put any other words how i feel i can only say over and over again how much  i love you"

Xu Lyn cry more and hug him tighter

"I know!i love you too!how about this lets go get certificate now so everyday we will look at it as the proof that we are not dreaming?so everyday when we open our eyes we can see each other directly?everyday we will kiss and hug so we will know that this is reality okay?we are not dreaming and everything is real, we are real and us is real!"

Sy Tengfe was startled and look at her intently searching the authenticity of her words,seeing that all she said is without a fallacy he hug her and kiss her passionately like he was taking a solemn oath

Xu Lyn accepted his every advance without an ounce of rejection but before he lost to their passion he distance himself and ask

"Lynlyn are you sure?can we really take the certificate today?you wont regret it?"

Xu Lyn kiss his cheek and nodded

"I wont!i want to be with you everyday!i want to see you everyday,at first i want to marry later on because i am afraid that you will regret marrying me i want to give you more time to sort your mind but now i dont want to!i want to be selfish,i want to marry you so even if you regret it you dont have anymore chance to leave me,and divorce is not allowed you hear me?if you try to leave me i will cut off your family jewel"

Sy Tengfei laugh at her overbearing words,he never felt this way before, bittersweet

"Okay lets go now!we will take certificate now,dont worry your important documents is already with me,your mom gave it to me when we start dating"

Xu Lyn suddenly stop and ask

"Why do i feel that i was betrayed and was sell off?"

Sy Tengfei chuckle and hurriedly pull her,he needs to kidnap the wife first so cant run anymore later on.

After everything is done Sy Tengfei drive her to their house,because its almost dinner time so Sy Tengfei start cooking but didnt forget to message both Xus and Sys

'Got the certificate today'

And he turned off his phone including the wife's he doesnt want even a slight disturbance in this special night.

After dinner Xu Lyn is nervous,she know what will gonna happen tonight,in her past life she never had any experience even holding hand in a boy

Sighing deeply Xu Lyn resign to her fate,after shower because she dont have any clothes in the house so she use one of his shirt,

Sy Tengfei's eyes turned red when she come out after bath,she dont know how deadly her allure to him is specially using his own shirt so its double kill for him,

Leading her to bed,he blow dry her hair and massage her a little for her to relax,her hair is already dry so she kiss her and said

"I'll take showet first"

Xu Lyn nodded shyly and hide inside the comforter, Sy Tengfei grin and take a shower speedily,

Xu Lyn's face is getting redder and redder each time will pass,after about 15 minutes Sy Tengfei come out from the bath her red face paled and blushed at full speed again she buried herself inside the comforter feeling shy to look

"Why arent you wearing anything?arent you afraid of cold?"

Sy Tengfei laugh huskily and replied

"Darling i am wearing a towel,i am not totally naked yet"

After that Xu Lyn didnt have a lightest chance to talk back because the words she says later on is all incoherent.

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