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•Chapter eight•
Save you.

Jimin groaned awake from sleep when he heard a knock at the door. He squinted his to get used to the bright light before snapping his head at the door when another knock was heard.

He sat up straight, gasping when he sees his body completely naked, torso covered in red and dark colored marks. He didn't even have to see his neck and thighs to tell that there were much marks more there, given to him proudly by Yoongi and Hoseok. 

He blushed a deep red and sighed in frustration as Hoseok hadn't dressed him up after finishing.

He looked to the side, heart melting when he sees his naked mates cuddled up closely on the bed, Yoongi between them him while Hoseok was sleeping on the other end of the bed.

He covered their naked selves with the stained blanket while cooing when Yoongi let out a tiny discomforted voice, perhaps at the pain in his lower half. 

The person outside knocked again, getting impatient.

He wore a long royal blue robe and walked to the door to open it. He smiled at the maid who stood outside the door and bowed slightly when she bowed to him.

"Prince Jimin," she started, her eyes raking over his figure and smiling more when she sees the hickeys littered all over his neck, near and around his marks.

Jimin blushed and hid himself with his hand, looking away shyly.

He raised his eyes when she doesn't say what she wants and frowns when he found her face suddenly twisted sourly and glaring at something while peeking over his shoulder.

His eyes trailed along the direction she was looking, blood boiling when he understood that the sudden disgust which took over her features was because of his beautiful husbands who were still deep asleep.

her disgust was towards Yoongi, and Jimin didn't fucking need to give any other explanation to the anger that bubbled in him. 

He rolled his eyes and glared at the girl, snapping his fingers before her face to earn her attention.

She snapped her head at him and gulped, taking a step back as she felt herself burn due to his harsh glare.

"What do you want?" Jimin growled, his sweetness and cuteness vanishing in thin air oh, so quickly. 

He crossed his arms before his chest and pierced her with his glare.

He hated it when any one of husbands were hated on. If they wanted to hate Yoongi, they can hate him too for his rudeness and snappy comments towards them.

He didn't want to be sweet to assholes who were mistreating his husband. 

"T-the... The..."

"The what?!" He yelled, ignoring her flinch. He unwind his hands from before is torso and brought the to his side, fisting his hands beside his sides. "Learn your place, Don't think you can stand before the prince and look give my mates your disgusting glare!" 

How dare she think she had the right to see them with  her pathetic eyes? 

"What do you want now?" Jimin seethes, face turning red. "Speak." 

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