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•Chapter forty nine

So much better. 

"Straighter," Jimin said. "You can't slouch like that." 

Taehyung whined as he complained about not feeling comfortable sitting like that for so long, but he listened to his teacher and straightened his back. 

"Chin up, lips pressed together, eyes looking front, no frowning, and..." 

Jimin continued to tell him a million things he needed to do, but Taehyung zoned out, mind going in different directions. 

This always happened. 

Whenever he was being taught something, he wouldn't pay full attention, but he'd think about learning all the things he needed to when he was free. 

Five months had passed.

Taehyung managed to do great work in learning even with his poor ability to pay attention. He would give entire credits to his dedicated teacher who made sure he learned everything he was teaching. 

Other than his knowledge about royalty nothing except his closeness with Jungkook and the growth of his tiny angel happened. Both were heart whelming. 

Jungkook was being sweeter to him every day that passed, fulfilling his promise of loving him more by learning him more with every passing moment. 

Chaewon grew bigger, going from looking like a tiny potato to a cute little ball. Her features became more evident, and Taehyung had to say that she had most of Jungkook's features except her eyes. 

He had heard somewhere that a royal and commoner's child will have more of the royal's features, but he didn't know how true it is. 

She now rolls onto her tummy from laying on her back and sits up for a few seconds while leaning on Jungkook's torso. 

It was so, so sweet to see her grow that Taehyung wondered why the time was going so fast. She had learned to babble and smiles a lot whenever she sees her parents which showed them how she recognizes them so quickly; it makes Taehyung nervous that she'll grow up too fast. 

He wanted her to stay a baby forever but also wished to see her when she was a full-grown girl. 

He was nervous, but Jungkook was much more affected by these thoughts than he was. 

That's why he spent every moment he can with her. He took her to the courtroom and his office and only let her go when she got too fussy and bored of being there. 

That was also adorable to Taehyung. It was adorable to see Jungkook coming to him with a pout to give a squirming, whining baby to him, pouting more when she would push him away to go to Taehyung. 

"She just wants to get away from me," Taehyung's pouty mate had told him. It had made him laugh so hard, and thinking about it made him let out a silly chuckle now. 

"So you're not listening again?" Jimin folded his hands before his chest. "To teach you a small thing, it takes a long time just because you cannot listen carefully."

Taehyung sheepishly smiled, rubbing his palms together. 

"I'll complain to Yoongi." Taehyung's face fell at that. Even though he is fully grown now and even has a baby, his hyung yells at him just the way he used to do when he refused to behave when he was younger. 

And though Taehyung was a fully grown man who had a child, he still gets upset on hearing Yoongi's yells and even cries like he used to do. 

"Don't, hyung," Taehyung requested, grabbing Jimin's palm. "You did it yesterday and he yelled at me. You felt sorry after that then why are you repeating your mistake?" 

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