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Chapter thirty five

Yes, he matters more than anything else. 

"Have they left already?" Jungkook asked the commander in chief, pacing around in his office. "She's so fucking immature that I know she'll do something wrong. I don't know what she was thinking when she left, but none of these things are good for that child." 

The commander looked at him with ever same stern eyes, expressions not faltering, but he was curious about a lot of things right now just like everyone else was. 

What happened between the king and queen? 

Did they fight? What did the king do so wrong that Mira ran away in such a state? 

Were they supposed to blame Jungkook for being careless towards his wife? They didn't know what was happening so blaming Jungkook didn't seem right too. 

None of the questions were being answered by the distressed king who was just pacing around while trying to think of the possibilities of a bad outcome. 

"They left, your highness. The soldiers went in groups to search all the places. We cannot promise to find her highness within a little time, but we will put in efforts to do everything to bring her back." 

Jungkook nodded, still having a worried expression like none of the words uttered by the commander made him relieved. 

Because none of it did. 

Mira will selfishly keep herself first and would do anything to protect her baby. She hadn't gone alone too and probably had a few guards with her. 

Jungkook was sure that he won't meet her in her pregnant state again. Maybe... the baby was already born? 

All he was sure about was that all this was planned. Mira couldn't get so far away and hide so well that even after a few hours of searching they couldn't find her. If it was planned, she must've made sure to make things safe for herself. 

"She will be okay, for sure." 

"Her highness' state doesn't seem like the thing your highness is worried about," the commander caught on to the matter. "Please, order us to do whatever we can to help you." 

Hesitantly, Jungkook glanced at him, feeling his chest grow heavier at a few thoughts that crossed his mind. 

Mira will be okay, but what about Taehyung? 

The girl had many people to protect her but was herself a huge threat to Taehyung. She had finally understood his dislike towards her and ran away, but her immature self could do anything unreasonable. 

It was okay until these unreasonable things were directed to Jungkook. 

He would even handle it if she went ahead and lied to people to defame him out of spite. 

But he wouldn't stand her hurting his mate. 

"If you would do anything..." Jungkook started, folding his arms before him and leaning to rest on the table. "Send as many people as you can to Taehyung and ask them to guard him from afar. He should not know that people are looking after him; nothing should make him feel like we're troubling or hindering his life." 

After all these months, he was finally doing this tiny thing to be closer to Taehyung. 

He didn't try to be with him or do anything to get closer even when he was tearing apart every day because of his desperate heart that yearned for Taehyung to be closer and remove the loneliness from his heart. 

Taehyung didn't want to be disturbed. He wouldn't leave to live in a far-off village if the people here kept contacting him and meeting him. 

He went away from them. Though not specifically him, Jungkook still didn't want Taehyung to meet him unless he was the best version of himself. 

This stupid best version that he wanted to be--the strong man who was selfish and cared for only those who he loved and exerted dominance on others--disgusted him. 

He hated how it felt to be like this. He hated every moment he had been harsh to people or even punished them for things they deserved to be punished for. He would curl into a ball on his bed at nights after he has yelled at people or removed from their posts. 

He just wasn't meant to be like that. He couldn't be what Taehyung defines an alpha to be. 

But he was sure Taehyung would still lo--no, like him. Taehyung hadn't ever said he loved him so he wouldn't conclude that he did.

He had to do something to protect his mate.   

"I will order them to go right away, king," the commander muttered, gulping back the need to ask him why he was wanted Taehyung to be guarded at this time when the queen was lost. 

That was none of the commander's business. The king had stopped accepting opinions on personal matters, and all he wanted to do was to take Jungkook's fear away anyway. 

"Should I come along?" Jungkook wanted to ask, but before he could speak, there was a knock at the door of his room. He hummed in response, eyes scanning the hands of the person when he recognized him as the messenger. 

"They sent another letter to Master Taehyung, and told me to inform Master Taehyung that this one was urgent." 

"Urgent?" Jungkook's heart shook. He grabbed the letters in fear of whether something had happened to them. No, it couldn't be, right? He had promised to take care of them to Taehyung! 

He read the letter, his heart sinking as he read the content. 


You promised your hyung that you will take care of yourself, love. I believed all of it and left, but I am starting to realize how harsh I was to just leave you there. You don't reply to most of the letters I send you too. Maybe, you are upset with me? Whatever it is, I cannot stay away any longer. You assured me that you would come to me if you cannot stay there, and I had just been waiting for you to come for so long. Knowing you, I know you're surely struggling alone. You're hyung left you alone for so long, love, and I'm sorry for that. Now I want you to come to me. I want you to live with me. Hoseok and Jimin are ever willing to let you stay so please just come.  

Ask Miss Youngmi for the address and come to me, okay? Even if you don't want to stay, come for a while to this stupid brother of yours. 

If you don't respond to this letter by coming to me, I will come to you myself. It doesn't matter what the people of the kingdom say, I want to be with you. 



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