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•Chapter twenty four•

Don't stop her from saying what she feels.

Taehyung brought Jungkook's face closer to his chest when he heard a few distant noises in his sleepy state. He let a crease form between his eyebrows as he squinted his eyes open.

He just got more protective of his troubled alpha and held him closer when he found two people in his room, looking right at them.

He had completely wrapped himself around Jungkook. Her arms around Jungkook's neck, legs around his waist while Jungkook's head was buried deeply into his chest.

Even with the sound, the alpha slept peacefully without any problem because he was surrounded by a sweet scent, slightly sweeter than usual.

Which man wouldn't be able to sleep carelessly while being held so protectively by their loved one?

Taehyung just glared at a teary eyed Mira who stood beside Youngmi--who had a strict expression on her face, looking upset--while she held her stomach.

Taehyung raised his hand and pointed towards the door, asking both to leave. He didn't want Jungkook to wake up and face problems instantly, right after opening his eyes.

Taehyung wanted Jungkook to avoid facing Mira. At least, for now.

"L-look, mom, he had been here. He ran out of our room when I told him that I was pregnant. He even told me that he couldn't accept his own child." Mira began crying and sobbing.

Youngmi just looked dejected and disappointed.

Jungkook stirred against Taehyung. The omega hissed, eyes sparking deep yellow. He rudely growled at them.

"Get out," Taehyung kept his voice low and demanding. He got more angry when they didn't listen to him.

"Jungkook, wake up," Youngmi said, sounding rather stern and not calm. "Wake up right now."

Mira took a few steps closer when Jungkook doesn't respond to his mother's words. She froze when Taehyung growled at her threateningly.

"Taehyung, stop behaving like this!" Youngmi yelled, and that was enough for Jungkook to finally open his eyes and face the soft chest before him.

He wouldn't ever wish to push himself away from Taehyung and would wish to remain buried in his body forever.

But he didn't have that choice.

He held Taehyung's waist, not ready to let go. He turned around with a frown, knowing quite well what had happened last night.

"Jungkook!" Mira sobbed. "Why did you leave me and come here?! I was waiting for you to return all night and accept our child, come to your senses, but you didn't return! Instead, you were here with Taehyung oppa!"

The alpha was this close to snapping. He fucking wished to grab a glass of water and throw it right at her for doing all this drama and involving his mom in these matters.

He pushed himself away from Taehyung who instantly held onto his shirt, refusing to lose all contact with him.

He focused on Youngmi; it wasn't the time to get all warm for Taehyung's actions.

Youngmi glared at Jungkook. "What am I hearing, son?"

Jungkook doesn't reply. He rubs his hand down his tired face, glancing towards Taehyung and feeling genuinely glad that Taehyung was feeling the exact same anger as he was, wearing a piercing glare on his face.

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