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•Chapter thirty two•

Why is it a shameful thing?

Taehyung didn't have any idea that the things he kept a secret--the truth he had been hiding for so long--would come out in such a way.

Everyone knew everything now, and they didn't find out about it after a long and nice conversation with him or by Chohee telling them about it. In other words, they didn't find out in the way the pregnant male was expecting them to.

Rather, things were worse.

It had been a long time since he came now. He should have told them about his situation, but he didn't because he wasn't very sure of how things would turn out.

Now that he thinks about it, it would've been much better if he had just told them rather than letting them find out in such a horrible way.

He fell on the road when coming back home from the fields because of the dizziness he felt after a long day of work, and it ended up with him screaming in pain that spread his entire body, harshest on his stomach.

He had skillfully hidden his big tummy within thick clothes while making people believe that it was the clothes that made him look rounder.

It did work. No one suspected a thing. They knew he was hiding a few things but had concluded that it wasn't important.

He became a proper part of the village and the little awkwardness he had when he just came there had all vanished. They let him live freely and had stopped nagging and troubling Hyeon to form a relationship with him.

It was all okay.

Even if he was living in a pitiful way.

He would wake up with painful cramps all over his body, force himself to go and work in the fields or for lifting water in buckets from the river to the houses, and all other such things that made the pain grow worse.

He didn't want to feel pain, but doing all this was the only way to not seem suspicious to the villagers.

Moreover, it made this deep hole of lonely feelings in his heart grow when he was staying all alone and wasn't occupied.

He never thought it would be easy to live a pregnant life without his mate, but he hadn't known it was this difficult too.

His swollen legs, shoulders, and back hurt very, very bad, but it was still manageable. He would get a nice massage from Chohee every night too while she expressed her concern towards him and made him feel wanted.

He did all the work because it kept him occupied.

He overdid it today.

He had a pounding headache when he woke up that morning but still insisted on going to fields. He couldn't walk at all after doing a little work but continued working to not worry Hyeon.

But the heaviness in his head got too much when the day had ended and they were coming back home.

As a result, his weak legs gave out and he crashed down on the ground even when Hyeon held onto him and tried to save him from the fall.

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