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•Chapter twenty eight•

I'd be there though it doesn't seem so. 

"Child, the lambs!" 

Taehyung gasped, letting go of the stick he was using to draw on the wet mud and jerking to his feet. "Shit, I forgot!" he whisper yelled to himself, shooting forward to the fields where he let all the tiny lambs to run around. 

Unfortunately, he found only three there. The fourth one wasn't anywhere around. 

"You have all of them, right?!" the lady yelled, not in sight as she was lost in between the tall crops. 

"Y-yeah!" Taehyung lied before beginning to whisper scared whisper to himself. "The fuck am I supposed to do now? Shit, she's gonna kill me." 

Grabbing one of the lambs which shrieked loudly at the way he held it, he asked it where the other one was. "Find him please," Taehyung begged the lamb. "Go sniff around and bring it back." 

"It's not a dog," Chohee reminded, setting down a huge bag of crops on the ground. "You lost one again? You had one job, Taehyung. She even warned you and gave you just four out of so many because you're careless." 

"Find them for me first!" Taehyung quickly glanced around to find the woman still not in sight. "She's so going to kill me." 

Four weeks passed since he came here. Almost a month. 

No one knew much about Taehyung. Though he wasn't as closed off and scared as  he always was in the beginning, he said not even a single word about the past life in the castle. 

They could clearly see that it was something bad, and that's why he chose to avoid. 

Perhaps, someone had cheated him? 

Yeah, that was the closest they could guess. They had concluded that someone cheated on him after having a romantic relationship. Youngmi would've told him something he didn't like and he wouldn't packed his bags and left from there. 

Though it all seemed too immature of Taehyung, they blamed it all on the "cheater" and the ex-queen. 

Even if Taehyung murdered someone, they would blame the victim. 

It was going just the way they expected it to. There was just something that ran down the blood of the family of Taehyung's mother that attracted everyone. Just the way they loved Taehyung's mother and brothers, they ended up loving him. 

But they yelled at him a lot too, not showing the same sweet behavior always. 

He liked it this way. This wasn't how Youngmi had been, and he has been using her as a scale to know how genuine a person is nowadays. 

Taehyung looked around desperately, holding onto his slightly protruding belly out of instincts. 

Would it be a surprise to know that Taehyung already fell head over heels for his child even when all the pup did was show small signs of being there? It shouldn't be. 

Taehyung absolutely had no reason to dislike this tiny things growing in him. His love grew every night, every day, every moment. The thought of the pup never left his mind. 

These people were all only familiar with his sweetened scent so no one, except Chohee noticed anything. 

It was so free and happy to be living in this village with his little one. His morning sickness had all decreased, and the moon swings or cravings hadn't started yet. He was on a bridge that lay between two bad places, enjoying the sweet moments with his baby. 

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