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Chapter twenty nine•

Getting used to it.

Taehyung was busy most of the time of the day, right after waking up right in the morning.

He lost track of the number of days that passed. The time he spent wasn't the best of all because he got exhausted after working for a while and would have a hard time falling asleep without his mate beside him, but he managed to go on.

He couldn't stop now.

Things were going pretty well. He's being fed every day and night, and he's enjoying the privilege of having people like him too. He is kept busy, thought how to work in farms and do all the things he usually wouldn't do. 

They thought of him as their own child and showed him the same harshness they would to their own to raise them well. 

He was thankful of it. 

He was also thankful to the goddess who let him have a baby grow in him. 

Whatever the reason may be, whatever thing may be troubling him, it was this innocent soul that was helping him through all of the things. Taehyung wondered how pure his baby was for helping him so much before even it is born. 

Taehyung thought a lot about how things in the palace was. He thought about Mira and Youngmi. 

He wondered if Mira and her child were okay. He didn't quite care, but whenever he saw his tiny bump and placed his hand on his stomach, it came to his mind that Mira's child had the same father as his child. 

It hurt to think like that, but that was the truth. 

He felt sad that the poor baby wouldn't survive because of Mira's incapability to give birth, but it would be more of a problem if it were to be born. He was selfish and thought of only himself and his child. 

If, just in case, the baby is born and is healthy, Mira wouldn't need his child. It was good as it would save his child from her and bad because it would lessen the chances of him returning to the palace as a queen. 

There must be a way... 

Just something that he could use against her and just some way he could become his mate's queen.

"Lost in thought about something?" Hyeon asked. Taehyung just glanced at him before looking away, getting back to making sure that the crops are being watered properly. "You don't need to do all this. I can do it all myself." 

"There isn't any need for that." Taehyung's answer was curt. 

He was dumb at many times, impulsive too, but he wasn't naive. He could understand when a person had a hidden reason behind talking to him or being close to him. 

He's grown up beside people who wished to have him closer so they could benefit from it financially. 

But Taehyung had learnt to spend all money on himself, not others. 

Though Hyeon didn't seem to need money or any wealth, he did need something. This something didn't seem related to him. 

"Thinking about the castle you grew up in?" 

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