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Chapter forty six

I'll take care of it.

It would be very safe to say that Taehyung absolutely hated not doing something. 

That's exactly why he went right into solving problems that were troubling him after just one day of resting in his room. 

He just didn't let Jungkook convince him to just stay in bed until he completely heals from all the effects of living in a bad state and giving birth. One day was just more than enough. 

So he left the palace, leaving his daughter all cuddled up on his future husband's chest with a full stomach. He wore warm clothes which were chosen by Jungkook himself. 

His alpha worried too much about him. 

It did make him tired and made him sick to be on a horse and ride for so long to go to the village, but just everything was worth doing because he was going to his friend. 

Finally, he was going to face a matter he was equally responsible for. It was his responsibility to take care of his friend, and it was his responsibility to take care of a blind child as a human. 

And he would do whatever he has to do for saving both of them. 

He got off the horse and instantly sat down on the ground, completely exhausted after the long ride. His eyes lightened up when he saw the hut he was living in, and burst out a bright smile when the villagers noticed him.  

He was surrounded by people who were giving him warm hugs and welcoming him warm-heartedly like any family would do. He loved them all so much that he made sure to note in his mind that he was supposed to do everything he could to take care of all of them too. 

But keeping every other thing aside, he had to first do what he was even here for. 

He removed his heavy coat and placed it on his arm, typing his horse to a huge stone and petting it a little before finally walking to the door. 

It was slightly sad to Taehyung to know that the alpha inside the hut would've surely heard the villagers speaking to him but he chose to just stay inside and not acknowledge his presence. 

"Hyeon?" Taehyung knocked on the door, glad that the villagers had walked off to let him speak to his friend peacefully. "It's me... Taehyung. Open the door."

The omega waited patiently for Hyeon to react to his calls and was slightly dejected when it took a while for the reaction to come.

The door finally did open, revealing the ever remaining darkness of the inside of the hut, but things seemed so much darker and sadder than it was before. It had never been this gloomy here.

"Tae?" Chohee called. "You're here? I thought you wouldn't get time to come here because you just went back home."

Taehyung couldn't really focus on Chohee to give her a proper answer as all his attention was on Hyeon.

A little more detail? An extremely tired, lifeless, messed up aloha who stood before him, just looking at him.

"Come in," Taehyung was sure just by his voice that he had been crying for a long time. It was hoarse and dry, soulless. Taehyung watched him turn around and go inside, walking straight to a tiny huddled-up figure and lifting her, bringing her to his chest.

Taehyung felt deep sorrow for Hyeon. It was so harsh that he was about to break into tears. His friend couldn't even enjoy the fact that he has a daughter because she couldn't even see him or anything at all.

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