Hanging out together

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The time is 11am. You're supposed to be  hanging out with your girlfriend Max. But you're fast asleep in bed. All the lack of sleep has been catching up on you. Staying up past god alone knows what time. Since the front door is locked and you're obviously asleep, she has to go through the window. But she does try your walkie a few times.

"Y/n are you there?"


"Y/n answer me."

Nothing. She climbs up the vine thing on the side of your parents house and looks into your bedroom. You're layed on your stomach, fast asleep, your head facing the window. She climbs into your bedroom and shuts the window. Now comes the horrible task of waking you up.

She sits next to you and starts the task. She starts to shake you.

"Y/n." She whispers

You grunt.

"Baby c'mon." Max says.

You grunt again and roll over. She whines and lays next to you exactly where you're facing. She rolls onto her side and lays facing you.


"Noooo." You whine.

"Baby we're supposed to be hanging out." Max says.

"What day is it?" You ask.

"Monday." Max says.

You stay quiet for a minute begore it hits you.

"Oh my god. I am so so sorry." You say.

You sit up and so does she.

"Lemme quickly go shower." You say.

You stand up off of your bed but accidentally slip. Max stands up and helps you up.

"Bubs are you okay?" Max asks.

"Yeah. It always happens. I'm just tired. I'll wake up." You say.

You quickly go shower and you both leave your house once you're dressed and sorted.

You both spend hours together. Right now, you're both at the arcade.

"Okay. If you beat my high score on here, since you're always awake at 5am, you get to wake me up at 5am." You say.

"Ooo now that's something i can get behind. Deal. Shakes or no deal." Max says.

You shake her hand and she starts the machine.

"How many lives?" Max asks.

"3. 3 lives. If you haven't beat it, i win. And if i win, no affection at all for 2 weeks." You say.

"What does that stem too?" Max asks.

"Holding hands, cuddles, kisses everything under affection." You say.

"Ugh Y/n!"

You look at her.

"Ugh fine. Shakes." She says.

You smile and you shake hands. She starts playing. She winds up winning.


"HA! I get to wake you up at 5am for 2 weeks!" She exclaims.


She laughs. You both leave the arcade and go to your tree. You help her climb up the tree and you both sit in it together.

"So you're telling me you're actually gunna wake me up at 5am?" You ask.

"Yep. I am." Max says.

"Ugh...." You groan.

"Sorry bubs. You shouldn't have made the deal." Max says.

You chuckle and shake your head. She turns around and kisses you. You kiss back. Which makes you slip. But you keep hold of the branch.

"Baby are you okay?" Max asks.

You nod.

"Yep." You say.

You start moving across the branch.

"Should i do pull ups?" You ask.

"Are you sure?" Max asks.

"You know how good i am at holding onto things." You say.

You pull yourself up onto the branch and sit on it. Your legs over the edge. You fall back a little.

"Jesus Y/n!"

You laugh. You sit up and fall back.

"Y/n if you fall i swear."

"I'm not gunna fall babygirl." You say.

Then you fall. You land on your arm and laugh. Max climbs down and sits next to you.

"I feel like i deserve that." You say.

"Yeah kinda for bein cocky." Max says.

"Not to like over exaggerate anything but i feel like i mighta broken my arm." You say.

"Do you wanna go to the hospital?" Max asks.

You shake your head.

"Nah i know what to do." You say.

"It worries me when you say shit like that." Max says.

You very quickly but very painfully pop your arm back into place.

"Fuck fuck fuck! God fucking damn it!"

"Why in the hell would you do that Y/n?"

"Now i can just go get it bandaged by my epic sister." You say.

Once your arm is bandaged, she takes you to the hospital and get it put in a pot. Then she takes you both home. You both go up to your bedroom and lay down.

"Y'know, you need wrapping up in bubble wrap I'm not even joking." Max says.

You laugh.

"Well see if i got wrapped completed in bubble wrap, i wouldn't be able to do what you like me doing would i?" You tease.

She goes red.

"Stop i feel like a tomato." She says.

"You look like a tomato." You say.

She swats your none broken arm. Making you laugh. She snuggles herself up into your side and you both fall asleep.

Lmfao that took me waaaay too long to decide to finish. Yall gettin more Max. Byeeeeee

Max/Sadie imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now