Seeing you with your band

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Y/b/n: your band name

Sadie knows who you are and knows you're in a band with your best friends. It's impossible to not know who are. Everyone around school rants about how your band is on a daily basis. They all watched your band in the first year summer showcase and everybody was stunned by you all.

Particularly you. Your band was only 11 when in that showcase and Sadie was beyond impressed by you all. You're all not only incredibe instrumentalists, but you're all incredibly smart too. You even tutored Sadie at one point in year 9.

You're all in your final year and practising for the showcase. You all practise till your ears bleed.

Sadie has never seen your band practise together. But she has a note for you all and is taking it to your practise room. You guys only picked 3 subjects for your GCSE's so you have a free period.

(GCSE's are our end of final year exams. You guys have SATs but,we got GCSE's and they suck)

She gets to the room and sees you rocking out on your drum kit in the side of the room next to the lead singer.

You're the drummer. In case you couldn't tell. You do the most work of the band. Cos you set the tempo for literally every song and everyone follows your lead.

Sadie stands outside of the room and watches as you all practise. You do notice her and just smile. When you finish the song, you point to the door with your sticks. Sadie knocks then opens the door.

"Hey. Someone wanted me to drop this note off for you guys." Sadie says.

You go take the note.

"Thanks Sadie." You say.

She smiles, trying to avoid going red at the fact that you know who she is.

"Lemme talk to you real quick." You say.

She nods. You both step outside and a little further down the corridor.

"What do you think? You think we're good? First time round the song." You say.

"You guys were amazing. You guys always impress me. You're always amazing." Sadie says.

You smile.

"Thank you. Just thought I'd get some input." You say.

"Y'know what song I'd like you guys to perform?" Sadie asks.

You nod.

"Running up that hill. By Kate Bush." Sadie says.

"I love that song. I'll definitely bring it to the band." You says.

She smiles.

"Good luck practising." She says.

You smile and she walks off. A few months pass and it's finally the showcase. The whole place is packed and over flowing. You and your band are sat backstage talking.

"So how's it goin with you and Sadie then?" The singer asks.

"Things are close. We're close." You say.

The wiggle their eyebrows at you. You laugh and roll your eyes.

"Next up is Y/b/n!"

And that's when everyone cheers for you all.

"That's our cue." You say.

You all walk out onto the stage and it's literally like you're a world famous band. You all get into place.

Sadie locks eyes with you and you smile. And so does she. The first song of the 4 you play is Running up that hill by Kate Bush. Sadie cant help but smile.

During the song, you start hyping it up and adding extra notes. Which was actually planned so they hype up the song and introduce the electric guitar.

The people in the audience get excited about it and then it finishes. Everyone cheers and Sadie smiles at you. You did the song she asked.

The next song is the song she walked in on your band practising on. In The Shadows by The Rasmus. Seriously really good song. After you all finish your 4 songs, you all stand up and bow before exiting the stage.

When the show finally finishes, Sadie comes to find you. You're layed in the back of your band van messing with your sticks. You own the van. The others are out grabbing food for you all. They've been gone about 20 minutes and wont return for another hour. Crazy food lines.


You look at Sadie and sit up.

"Hey." You say.

"Hey. Thank you for doin the song." She says.

You smile.

"Special request. I couldn't not do it." You say.

She smiles. She sits next to you. You lay back down. She lays down next to you.

"How do you do the tricks with the sticks? I see loads of drummers do it and it blows my mind each time." Sadie says.

You sit up and so does she. You show her the trick but slowly. She nods. You pass a stick to her and demonstrate what to do while she watches. Then she tries. First time she drops it. Second time she hits your arm with it. Third time she hits herself in the eye with it.

"Yeah they do usually take a while to get perfect. Fast movements." You say.

"No kidding." She says.

You both lay back down. Except she lays across your stomach this time.

"I like you." You say.

"You do?"

You nod.

"You're pretty. You're funny. You're smart when you try." You say.

She smiles.

"I like you too."

"You do?"

She nods.

"Yeah. You're hot. I wont lie. No point in it. You're really hot." She says.

You smile.

"Thank you. Why dont i take you out on a date some day?" You suggest.

"That sounds nice." Sadie says.

"Perfect." You say.

You both just lay there and chill until Sadie's mum shows up.

"I'll see you tomorrow." You say.

She smiles.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow. Oh wait."

She writes her number on your hand and then walks off. You smile, knowing your relationship is gunna be absolutely amazing.

Thoughts? Byeeeeee :)

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