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Sadie is sick. Very sick. She's got flu basically. She's just layed in bed in her house looking over her script. There's a knock on her bedroom door. She lets out a painful cough and then a frustrated sigh.

"Who is it?" Sadie asks, almost expecting her mum or dad.

"It's me. The most amazing person on planet earth that you trusted with a key to your house."

Sadie lets out a laugh and you walk in.

"Helloooo!!" You exclaim.

She smiles. You always seem to make her feel better no natter what you do. You just breathing makes her feel better.

You shut her bedroom door and jump onto her bed. You sit crisscross applesauce on the end of her bed.

"Okay what we doin? We readin a script? That's awesome! Can i read it too?! Thank you!" You say, all in one breath.

You sit next to her. You're a little quick to excitement but she loves that about you. How you can get so excited over a really simple thing like this. She lays against you and puts her head on your shoulder. You wrap your arms around her and read the script along with her.

Soon enough, you're telling some absolutely crazy random story you thought up of in a matter of 10 seconds like you always do. Sadie sits and listens, turning all her attention to you.

She sits and nods as you go on about how Dave the Rabbit created planet earth. She finds it adorable how you can do this.

"-and then earth exploded. Boom." You say.

She smiles.

"That's how the Rabbit singlehandedly created planet earth and then destroyed it not long after." You say.

"Well that's an amazing story." Sadie says.

"Thank you." You say.

She gets a little more comfortable on you and then sneezes like 4 times in a row.

"Bless you my love. Lemme get you some tissues." You say.

You grab her some tissues and she wipes her nose. She drops the tissues in the bin. She lays her head back and lets out a frustrated groan.

"Why dont you get some sleep?" You suggest.

"No." She says.

"Okay. Straight to it. Get some sleep. You might feel better when you wake up." You say.

"Promise you'll be here when i wake up." She says.

You hold out your pinkie.

"I pinkie promise." You say.

"Ooo that's a big promise." She says.

"And you know i wont break it because pinkie promises mean a lot." You say.

She wraps her pinkie around yours and then she gets more comfortable but cuddling up into your side. You move over a little on her bed so she has more space. Then you wrap an arm over her shoulder and place a soft kiss on her head.

"Sleep well my love."

She closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep not long after.

Thoughts? I fell asleep writing this last night and woke up thinking i probably rolled over onto my phone and published it by accident. Byeeeeee :)

Max/Sadie imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now