Saving her life part 2. Requested

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Okay this was highly requested in the last chapter. So, yall are getting the reason why and the movie date.
TW: mentions of depression, suicide and serious anxiety. Possible panic attack mentions. Dont read if these things trigger you. You dont have to read. Enjoy if you do

When Sadie wakes up, she's cuddled up into your chest. Your arms are wrapped safely around her as if you're terrified of losing her. Well because of last night, you're more terrified than you were before of losing her.

You're awake. Just running your fingers through her hair.


You hum.

"You wanted to talk about it?" Sadie asks.

"Yeah. I only want to know one thing." You say.

"What is it?" Sadie asks.

"What made you do it?" You ask.

"I....I just couldn't take it anymore. Everything got too much. My anxiety has been skyrocketing lately and my depression has just got so much worse. And i know you said i need to talk to you but i couldn't do it. I had 3 panic attacks before i called you. Everything just got too much a-and i couldn't breathe. And it just.... it got too much." She says.

And she breaks.

"Hey. Hey. It's okay." You say.

You try your very best to soothe her and calm her from crying. Which you eventually manage to do. She's just sniffles now.

"Even if you cant call me, text me. Nothing like.... no paragraphs. Just text me saying help and I'll be over sooner than you can even count to 12. I promise. I'm always gunna be there for you. You're my girlfriend and i love you. It scared the living shit out of me when i saw you layed on the floor. I'm not joking my entire world crumbled. I dont want to lose you. Please please just text me." You say.

"I-I'm so-sorry." She chokes out

"Hey. Dont apologise. It's okay. I still have you. It's okay baby." You say.

She breaks down again. You hold her close and just soothe her, whispering sweet nothings to her to help calm her down. Eventually, you get her calm down. She's back to sniffles.

"Hey." You say.

She hums.

"I love you." You say.

"I love you too." Sadie says.

"And, I'm still taking you to the movies. We can go get food after as well. Then I'm gunna take you to some place i know. It's really cool there." You say.

"Yo-you still wanna take me to the movies?" Sadie asks.

"Why wouldn't i? It's been planned for ages my love." You say.

She loves it when you call her that.

"I-I just figured you might be upset with me for... what happened." Sadie says.

"Not at all my love. I'm on your side. I know things are a struggle. It's all so stressful being an actor. I'm on your side. And I'm taking you to the movies. I've been wanting to take you on a movie date for ages." You say.

She sniffles.

"I love you. I really love you." You say.

"I love you too." Sadie says.

About 6 weeks pass. You're both getting ready.

"I'm gunna go shower real quick." Sadie says.

"Maybe i can join?" You suggest.

Max/Sadie imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now