Saving them

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Max, Will, El, Dustin, Lucas and Mike are running from Billy in his car. He's keeping his distance for a reason. He wants to speed up when they're not expecting it. You are nowhere to be seen. Even though you swore you'd always be there. You're not here.

Billy just keeps driving after them all, an evil smirk on his face. Then he speeds up and Max freezes against a tree. The others get to another tree.

"Max move!" Will yells.

She cant. She's paralyzed in spot. Billy starts driving full speed at Max and all Max can do is watch as his car gets closer. And then, just like that, a car smashes into the side of Billy's car. Sending him spinning off down a hill.

They all look in the car and see you sat behind the wheel, blood all over your face. You wipe your face and climb out the car. You look at Max. They all look at you.

"Y/n are you okay?" Will asks.

"Forget about me. Are you guys okay?" You ask, going to Max.

She hugs you. You hug back.

"Yeah. Are you okay though?" Lucas asks.

"I'm fine dont worry about me." You say.

You pull back from the hug when you hear Billy's pained grunts from the car.

"You guys need to run." You say.

"What about you?" Max asks.

"I'll distract him. Just run." You say.

You plant a quick kiss on Max's head and they run. Billy manages to get his car up the hill.

"You fucking bitch! I'll fucking kill you!" He yells.

The others get away but not far enough to hear yells. So they hide. 10 minutes later, Billy has them cornered in his car.

"She cant save you this time." He says, through the window.

He drives, full speed at them and they all close their eyes. Then you smash into the side of his car again. This time sending his car rolling away from them. But also almost killing you by the sheer force at which you hit his car. You lay your head back against the seat. You then get out of the car and hold onto it for stability.

"We better get outta here before he gets us." Will says.

You all run out of the woods and to Mike's house where Sadie takes you into the bathroom and cleans your face.

"You could've died doing that earlier." Max says.

"If i didn't drive into his car he would've killed you and i love you too much to let that happen." You say.

She smiles. She continues to clean the remaining blood off your face before getting to the painful part. Stitching your face.

"If i can almost die twice in a car crash and not feel it I'm sure this will be fine." You say.

"Are you sure?" Sadie asks.

You nod.

"Positive." You say.

She sits and stitches up your face. You just sit there while she does it. When she finishes, she cleans away all the stuff and places a kiss on your forehead. Which makes you smile.

"I love you." You say.

"I love you too." She says.

You place a soft kiss on her lips and you both leave the bathroom.

"Thank you for saving our lives Y/n." Lucas says.

"Well if Steve cant do it then i can." You say.

"Hey dont be mean to Steve." Dustin says, which causes you all to laugh.

You all then just sit and chill, hoping to god Billy doesn't come back.

Thoughts? Byeeee :)

Max/Sadie imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now