Dating rumours

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You're at a red carpet event for the new TV show you're in. You play thr very highly rated 'very attractive' villain of the show. You're plain evil in the show. You're basically the Negan of the show.

You're about as evil as it gets but people love to watch you because you, in the words of plenty of fans out there, 'make it attractive'.

In a show full of ghosts, vampires and werewolfs, you play the bad one. Makes sense.

"Y/n! It's great to see you here! Looking absolutely spectacular in your outfit." The interviewer says.

(Two options depending in what you like to wear)

Option one:

Option one:

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Option two

You laugh and smile

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You laugh and smile.

"Thank you. It's great to be here." You say.

"It's your first big event, am i right?"

"You are. I've never been in a show this big and loved. Like world wide." You say.

"It is a very well loved show. I see why though. You're the main character and the villan at the same time."

"I do yeah. It was a big surprise when i was offered the role. Because, originally, I'd auditioned as a background character. When i was doing my audition, they'd actually stopped my half way through and asked what made me audition for a background character when i had the ability to play a main character." You say.

"What did you say?"

"I said because this would be my first major role in a show. Even as a background character." You say.

"What then?"

"They said that i had the role. As the main character. The villain. Because i had the vibe of a bad guy." You say.

The interviewer laughs.

"I don't know if I'd take that as a compliment or not." She says.

"Yeah i took the compliment in it. And now here we are. About... maybe a year and a half later?" You say.

While you answer questions, Sadie Sink walks over.

"Sorry to interrupt." She says.

She hugs you. You smile and hug back. She pulls back.

"I'll talk to you in a bit." She says.

"Yeah definitely." You say.

You place a kiss on her cheek and she walks off.

"Sorry about that." You say, looking back at the interviewer.

She smiles.

"No worries. Actually that's another thing i wanted to mention. There's been some rumours jumping around that you and Sadie Sink are dating. She made a guest appearance on the show for maybe 3 episodes, right?"

"Yeah she did, she did. I think, don't quote me on this, she might be back for next season because of the impact her character made in those 3 episodes right at the start. I think she was actually the resson that my character lost her mind." You say.

"And the dating rumours? The rumours surrounding you and Sadie right now. I mean they're hardly ignorable."

"I've done a very good job ignoring them until now but i suppose there's no ignoring them now." You say, a smile raising to your face.

"That's the thing about dating rumours." She says.

"Well i mean... i guess there's a form of truth to the rumours. We're not dating. Unfortunately." You say.

You chuckle and itch the back of your neck.

"Okay exposing myself." You say.

"Things you just love to see." She says.

You laugh.

"Okay. Uh.. so yeah. We're not dating. I will admit though, i do have a crush on her. I do think she's really pretty. I was actually quite surprised when they said she was going to be in the 3 episodes she was. The episodes were towards the start but to be fair, they were quite important to the story." You say.

"Official confirmation here." She says.

You laugh.

"Yep. All the confirmation we need." You say.

The questions return back to being about the show and your role. After the interview, you go find Sadie.

"Hey." You say.

"So how'd it go?" She asks.

"Well, after you left, the questions got put to us two. Ended up denying rumours of us dating and saying i have a crush on you." You say.

"She believe you?" Sadie asks.

"Bought it like candy." You say.

Sadie smiles.

"You say shit like that and you remind me of your character." Sadie sahs.

You smile and wink.

"That may just be the intention." You say.

You walk off and she follows. After a long day of interviews, you both go to your house and change. You both then get into bed and go to sleep.

Edits circle around TikTok the next day of you two. After maybe 4 months of behind the doors dating and you both finally open up about your relationship.

Thoughts? Idk how i feel ab this one. Bye :)

Max/Sadie imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now