Not tired

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You and Sadie are dating. Only been dating for about 5 months. You've had multiple sleep overs together. You own a dog. A Husky and the dog immediately warmed up to Sadie. She literally loves Sadie. Sadie has joked many times that she loves your dog more than you. And you've said the exact same thing.

You two bully each other sometimes. Love language. Anyways. As of right now, you're both passed out asleep in bed. Well you are. Sadie is layed wide awake petting your Husky. She checks what time it is. It's 12am.

She looks at you. You're layed on your front with your arms above your head and your head facing her. She's kinda hungry. She lets out a sigh and tries to wake you up.


You whine.


You let out a whine.

"Go sleep." You whine.

"I'm not tired baby." She says.

You knew this'd happen. She literally slept all day.

"Okay." You say.

You flip on a light next to your bed. You and Sadie dont live together yet so it's your bed.

"What do you wanna do?" You ask.

"I dunno..."

"Okay. Why dont we put Netflix on and cuddle? See how long it takes you to drift off." You suggest.

"Yeah that's good." Sadie says.

You turn on the TV, turn off the light and Sadie cuddles up into your side. Bella moves across the bed and lays across both yours and Sadie's legs.

Sadie strokes Bella's head while you search for something to watch. You scroll past Stranger Things and look at Sadie.



"Because no. I'll watch anything but Stranger Things." Sadie says.

"Ugh fine." You say.

You keep scrolling. You scroll past the horror you're in.

"Ooo why dont we watch that?" Sadie suggests.

"If we're not watching Stranger Things, we're not watching this." You say.

"Hey c'mon. Put it on. I haven't watched it for a few days and i wanna watch your amazing acting." Sadie says.

"Okay okay fine."

You put the film on. You play the monster in the movie and you actually win.

You and Sadie lay cuddled up there. She has her head on your chest and you have an arm around her shoulder just to keep her cuddled up to you there.

"You look terrifying in that makeup." Sadie says.

"That was the idea my love." You say.

She smiles.

"But you are crazily attractive in this film." Sadie says.

"How? I'm covered in monster makeup and dressed like leatherface." You say.

"It's just your mannerisms. The way you stand and shit. Like later on in the film you choke out one of the girls and.... nevermind i dont fancy exposing myself." Sadie says.

"Nuh uh you've done it now. You must expose." You say.

"Okay okay. When you choked out one of the girls later on in the film i kinda wished i was that girl cos you were choking her out." Sadie says.

You smirk a little.

"Well that's dirty of you Miss Sink." You say.

"I know... that's why i didn't wanna say it. You're gunna tease me about it." Sadie says.

"Damn right I'm gunna tease you for it. That's my job." You say.

"No Y/n." She whines.

"Bet you wouldn't be whining if i pinned you to the wall." You say.

She goes red.

"We'll continue this in the morning my love. We need to go to sleep." You say.

"Okay fine. Just dont be too harsh with teasing me." Sadie says.

You place a kiss on her forehead and you turn off thr TV. You then both fall asleep.

Thoughts? I'm actually infuriated rn. So tired of people. Byeeeee :)

Max/Sadie imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now