'I dont want to hear it!'

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You're going to visit your girlfriend Max. Today marks 2 years since you got together. You have a little gift for her. You walk up to her house and knock. Her mum opens the door.

"Hey Y/n. You come to see Max?"

"Yep." You say.

"Go on then. She's in her bedroom."

"Thanks." You say.

You walk into the house and up to Max's bedroom. You knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Max calls out.

"It's me dumbass." You say.

You then hear a lot of cursing under her breath and rushing around.

"Can i come in?" You ask.

"No! No not yet!" She yells.

Then you hear it.

"Just get under the bed." She says.

You walk into the room. There stands Lucas rushing to get his shirt on. They both look at you. You stand in complete shock.

"Y/n i-"

"Save it." You say.

You put the box down on her unit by the door and leave. Max rushes after you. You leave the house and get on your bike. Max runs out and stands in front of your bike to stop you moving.

"Max move out of the way." You say.

"No Y/n i need to explain." Max says.

"No i dont wanna hear it." You say.

"Y/n please." Max begs.

"I dont want to hear it!" You say.

She stays quiet.

"Y/n I-I'm sorry. Please i love you." She says.

"Oh yeah you love me clearly when you're fucking our best friend." You say.

"Y/n it wasn't-"

"It wasn't like that? Are you really gunna stand here and try to bulshit me? I'm not stupid Max." You say.

She stands next to you and turns your head to face her. Tears in her eyes.

"Please i love you." She says.

"Happy 2 years." You say.

You pull her hands off your face and cycle home. Leaving Max there. Lucas walks out.

"What happened?" He asks.

"I think she broke up with me." Max says.

"Max I- I'm so sorry." He says.

"It's on me.... this is my fault." She says.

Weeks down the line. You're in your tree house just listening to Master Of Puppets. You're just layed with the headphones on and your eyes closed. While you lay there, Max shows up. She can hear the music. It's loud as hell playing through your headphones.

"Master of puppets..."

She walks to the ladder and climbs up. She knows the little password you have. So she types it into the little machine and the door unlocks. She walks into the treehouse and looks at you. You're just layed there.


Nothing. She shakes you. You lift your head and see Max. You pause the music and sit up. You pull off the headphones.

"Max. Hey."

"Hey... i wanted to talk to you... about..."

You nod.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I'm really really sorry. I dont even have an excuse for it. I love you and i dont wanna lose you. I've been looking for you in school to apologise but you haven't been there. You haven't been in school and I've missed you." Max says.

"I've missed you too... and i love you too. And it took everything in my power to go home that day. But i just couldn't stay. But i should've come to you sooner." You say.

She shakes her head.

"Can we just forget this happened?" Max asks.

You nod.

"Yeah. Yeah we can forget it." You say.

She smiles. You pull her into a hug. She hugs back.

"How did you get in?" You ask.

"I put the password in." Max says.

"I thought i changed it." You say.

"You didn't save it." Max says.

"Seems about right." You say.

She smiles. You put two fingers under her chin and pull her into a kiss. She kisses back. You smile when you feel her kiss back which makes her smile. You pull back from the kiss.

"I love you." You say.

"I love you too."

And after that, all returned to normal.

Thoughts? Hope yall liked it :)

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