'Where's your confidence gone huh'

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You and Sadie are dating. You live together. She's a bottom. She's, quite possibly, the biggest bottom you've ever met. In other words, she's a pillow princess. Not that you care, you love it. There's days when you'll just walk up behind her and pin her to a wall, stomach first, and hold her arms above her head while whispering things in her ear that you know turns her on. And she absolutely loves it.

You're going towards the bedroom. Sadie walks up behind you and pins you to the wall. You just smirk.

"What're you smirking at?" She asks.

"Wow, my love, your attitude." You say.

She goes a little red.

"Come meet me in the shower." She says.

You smirk. She lets go of you and goes to the shower. You walk into the bathroom and see her stood in the shower, under the water. You undress and get into the shower behind her.

You then pin her, stomach first, against the wall with her hands above her head. You lean to her ear.

"Where's your confidence gone, huh?" You tease.

She goes bright red.

"You've been really misbehaving a lot lately my love. I ought to punish you for it." You whisper.

She bites her lip, feeling butterflies in her stomach.

"What do you think, my love? Should i punish you?" You almost tease.

She doesn't answer. She cant think of an answer. You put your hands on her waist and squeeze. She lets out a soft moan.

"I need an answer my love." You say.

"N-no." She only just gets out.

"Oh you dont think you should be punished?" You ask.


"Okay. I'll tell you what, I'm not gunna punish you. But, I'm going to tie you up in our bed and fuck you until you cant walk. How does that sound?"

"Yes please." She says.

"Yeah i knew you'd like that idea." You say.

You kiss her neck and find her soft spot. She lets out a soft moan when you start leaving hickies.

"Y-Y/n please." She begs.

You stop and lean to her ear.

"Please what my love?" You whisper.

"Please fuck me." She begs.

You smirk and kiss her neck, leaving more hickies. You hold her arms with one hand above her head.

With your other hand, you put it around her waist and put it on her pussy. She looks down at where your hand is. You put two fingers on her clit and start rubbing. Slowly at first. Just speeding up the more used to the feeling she gets.

"Oh god... fuck Y/n." She moans out.

Sadie lifts her head and puts her head on the shower wall.

"Fuck... Y/n faster." She begs.

You speed up until you're going as fast as you can. She's none stop moaning.

"Fuck Y/n! Fuck! God that's so good!" She cries out.

"Spread your legs." You say.

She manages to spread her legs. You stop rubbing her clit and push two fingers into her pussy. She moans and lays her head back onto your shoulder.

"You ready?"

She nods. You start to finger her slowly. Slowly picking up the pace until you're going as fast as humanly possible.

"Oh god! Fuck!"

"You like this?"

"Yeah! Fuck!" She cries out.

You then curl your fingers inside her. Which drags her closer to spilling over the edge. Closer than she already was. She's moaning your name out a lot.

"God fuck I'm close!" She cries out.

"Yeah? Be a good girl and hold it in." You say.

"Y/n i cant!" She cries out.

"You'll do what your told my love." You say.

You just keep pushing her closer and closer. You rub her clit with your thumb. She's basically screaming your name out by this point.

"Y/n, god fuck, please!"

"Please what babygirl?" You tease.

"Fuck! Fuck please!"

"Please what, my love?"

"God fuck I'm gunna come!"

You curl your fingers even further and she lets out a scream in sheer pleasure. You kiss her neck. She's shaking.

"Y/n please!"

"Go on my love you've done amazing. You can come now." You say.

Not even 10 seconds later, she releases and you help her ride it out. Then you stop.

"Fuck...." She mutters.

You pull out your fingers and hug her from behind. She lays her head back on your shoulder and puts her hands on yours.

"That better?" You ask.

She nods.

"Yeah. Much better." She says.

"Good. Now, lets finish off and then go get our food." You say.

She nods. You place a kiss on her neck, by her soft spot. She lets out a soft moan. You both finish off in the shower and go eat. Then you both go to bed and let me just say, you made her your dessert.

Thoughts? I'm busy right now but i just wanted to get this out. Hope yall liked this smut filled chapter. Bye :)

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