Chapter 7

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Tharion's P.O.V.

Just looking at Katie being like this broke my heart.

Ugh... I can't believe this nickname is rubbing on me. Stupid Draco.

That bastard was lucky Draco got his hands on him first.

If only I was a second faster-

'I'm all done brother.' Draco said, interrupting my thoughts.

'Did you clean yourself?' I asked.

'Yup. I'll wait for you guys at the parking lot.' He said and closed our mindlink.

I looked at Katie again. A few minutes ago, hiccups replaced her crying.

"Let's go. Draco is waiting for us." I said and got up.

Katie's head shot up to me, panic written all over her face.

"I-is he okay?" She asked shakily.

My heart warmed. Despite going through all of that, she's still worried about others.

"Don't worry. He's fine." I reassured her.

She nodded her head and slowly got up.

"Can you drop us off at our place? We came here with a cab." Lyla said as she gathered her stuff.

"You don't need to ask for something like that Ly. Of course we can." Blaze said with a smile.

Lyla returned his smile and hugged him. I looked at them warmly.

Lyla was the best thing which happened to Blaze. He was a walking nightmare and not even our parents could keep him under control back then. He was ruthless and heartless. Even to his own people.

But then Lyla came and he turned to the most loving and caring person. I still remember how she put him in his place when he was acting like a dick to her at the beginning.

Ahh... Good old days.

Once we were ready, we exited the night club. I felt a small tug on the sleeve of my jacket. I didn't have to look to know it was Katie.


"Tharion." I corrected.

"Th-tharion... Umm... I... Thank-you-
for-saving-me-earlier." She mumbled quickly.

I smiled unconsciously.

I see your talkativeness is coming back.

"There's no need to thank me. Plus, Draco did most of the job." I said and looked at her.

Only now did I notice her blushed cheeks.


"E-either way, thank you." She said softly.

I smiled at her.

"Hurry up slowpokes. My bed is calling for me." Draco said loudly.

I looked at him and shook my head.

Always being the loudest.

We walked to the car and entered. Blaze and Lyla sat at the front sets, while me, Katie and Draco sat at the back. Of course, Katie was sitting between us. And after a few seconds later we drove off.


Draco's P.O.V.

Once we were inside the car, I noticed Katie was a bit more relaxed then earlier. Then she looked at me and I think my whole body stopped working for a second.

"T-thank you for saving me from that guy." She said softly and I instantly melted.

"Don't mention it Katie. I'm more than willing to give free lessons on good manners." I said calmly.

"You... didn't get hurt anywhere, right?" She asked nervously as she quickly checked me over.

My heart jumped.

This caring cutie is so going to be mine.

"Of course not. I'm perfectly fine. Especially after throwing a few very satisfying punches at that bastard." I said proudly.

Maybe more than a few punches, but she doesn't need to know that.

She breathed a sight of relief and then smiled.

There it is.

I returned her smile and pinched her cheek lightly.

"Always smile, okay?" I said.

She blushed even more, but still nodded her head quickly.


We were driving for a couple of minutes already, when I felt weight on my right shoulder. I looked at it and saw a sleeping Katie. I gently caressed her cheek.

'What did you do to that guy?' Tharion asked.

'After knocking him out, which by the way was too soon considering his size, I gave him to our guys to do whatever they want with him.' I answered flatly.

Tharion just nodded his head and looked out the window. I pressed my head against Katie's and breathed in. I wonder how she'll react after she finds out about our secret.

After she finds out who we really are.

I looked at her sleeping face.

Will you still accept us after that?


The car stopped and Lyla turned around to face us.

"We're here." She said and exited the car.

I looked at Katie and then at my brother.

"You carry her. I don't trust myself at the moment." I mumbled, still feeling angry because of what happened, and gently placed Katie's head on Tharion's shoulder.

Then I walked out of the car. I quickly circled around it and opened the door for Tharion. He came out with Katie in his arms. She was still asleep, but she had a death grip on his jacket. I smiled at her and gently kissed the top of her head. Then we walked into the building and were soon inside their apartment.

"Kate's room is that one." Lyla said and pointed at the door to my left.

Tharion walked in and slowly placed Katie on her bed. I grabbed the blanket on her chair and covered her.

"Sleep tight Katie." I whispered and kissed the top of her head again.

Tharion did too. Then he turned to me and placed his arm over my shoulders.

"Come on. Let's go before we decide to stay the night." He said with a small smile.

I nodded my head and we walked out of Katie's room. I glanced at her one more time before closing her door.

Sweet dreams my dear Katie.

"We're off." Tharion said.

"Okay. Here's the car key. I'll be staying the night." Blaze said and tossed me the car key.

Lucky bastard.

"Alright." Tharion said and headed to the entrance door.

"Bye guys." Lyla said and waved at us.

"Bye." We said and exited the apartment.


Hi guys! \(^▽^)/

I hope you liked this chapy!

I don't have much to say because I'm currently being suffocated by my books. Help. (ಥ◡ಥ)

See you soon! Bye bye~

𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓲 💕

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