Chapter 58

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Tharion's and Draco's P.O.V.

After the shook the doctor's words caused, the twins snapped back to reality and proceeded to do everything the doctor told them.

During the preparation, everyone gathered inside the room and waited for the operation to begin.

"Why are you all gathered here?" Niran asked, making his and Evanora's presence known.

"A better question is, why are you here?" Kayda asked as she gave him a hug.

Thanks to Katherine's stubbornness, Niran and the twins were slowly mending their old friendship.

"Didn't Kate tell you I was coming?" He said in confusion.

The twins explained the situation and for some reason Evanora was up with the doctors in less than a second.

"She'll probably be able to help." Niran explained.

"Like with Lyla?" Blaze blurted out and quickly slapped his hand over his mouth.

The twins saw Lyla glaring at Blaze and that was enough to confirm their suspensions.

"Explain. Now." Tharion said sternly.

Lyla sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"I also had complications during my labour." She started. "Mine weren't as bad as Kate's, but Evanora still had to help me deliver." She added nervously.

"You're not telling us everything." Draco said, looking suspiciously at her.

"It was- It was because of the baby." She said softly, making the twins freeze. "Since I was carrying a half-dragon, it was too much for my body. I probably wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for Evanora. She had to use some of her magic to save me." She explained quietly.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Draco yelled. "We could've prepared in advance!"

"Because we didn't want to ruin your moment of finding out you'll be fathers." Blaze answered. "I know how happy I was when I found out and I wanted you two to feel that too." He added somberly.

The twins looked down and took deep breaths. They knew venting out their frustration on their brother and his mate was going to do nothing but cause trouble, so they bit their tongues and stayed silent.

And then they heard it.

A cry of a baby.

The twins looked at each other with wide eyes and were up on the second floor in less than a second. They saw Evanora hand a baby to one of the nurses and immediately approached her.

"Congratulations Your Majesties. It's a healthy baby boy." The nurse said and showed them the baby.

Both twins were in awe, but neither of them dared to touch the baby. He looked so small and fragile, they feared they'd hurt him if they tried to touch him.

Then another cry was heard.

The twins whipped their heads towards Katherine and saw Evanora holding the second baby above her body.

"It's a little princess." Evanora said with a big smile handing the crying baby to a second nurse.

Once she cleaned her, the nurse approached the twins so they could see the little girl too.

"She looks just like Katie." Draco whispered in astonishment.

Tharion nodded along, also mesmerized by the mini version of Katherine.

"Alright everyone. I need some calm and quiet now. The less people the better." Evanora said, breaking the spell the twins were under.

"How is Katie?" Draco quickly asked.

"Fine. She is in a coma, but it's nothing serious." She said nonchalantly, as if Katherine was simply asleep.

"What?! Why is she in a coma?!" Tharion yelled worriedly.

"And why are you so calm about it?!" Draco added in the same tone.

"Like a said, it's nothing serious. The operation was a bit too much for her body, so this is her way of recuperating. She'll wake up in a couple of days." Evanora explained.

Although they weren't happy that Katherine was going to be in a coma for so long, they were glad she was out of danger. They looked back at their children and smiled. They felt proud and thankful to Katherine for giving birth to their little angels.

"So, which one is whose kid?" She asked curiously.

"You know about that too?" Draco said in surprise.

"I live next to a dragon horde. I'm bound to learn a thing or two." She said in a duh tone.

"We're not sure yet because we haven't held them." Tharion answered.

"Then what are you waiting for? An invitation?" Evanora deadpanned.

"Maybe we should wait for them to grow a bit. We can't hold them now. They're so tiny and fragile." Draco said worriedly.

"I see why you're Blaze's brothers." She said with a scoff. "He said the exact same thing when his kid was born."

"Because it's true. We'll hurt them if we hold them." Tharion said in annoyance.

"Let me just wrap everything up here and then I'll show you how it's done." Evanora said and after a few minutes, the operation was officially done.

Katherine was changed into clean clothes and nicely tucked on the bed.

"Sit here." Evanora said and guided the twins to sit on the edge of the bed.


"Shut it." She interrupted them and walked next to the crib in which the baby twins were. "Come here precious~" She cooed and gently took the boy.

"This really isn't a good idea Evanora." Draco said once she approached him.

"Hands." Evanora said sternly and Draco hesitantly complied.

Then she gently placed the baby in his arms, showing him how to properly hold the newborn.

"There. It's not rocket science." She said and moved to grab the other baby.

Draco kept looking at the newborn in astonishment, still not believing he's real.

"Hands." Evanora said to Tharion and once he moved his hands in front, she slowly placed the baby in them.

Tharion made the exact same expression as Draco.

"See? They're perfectly fine. No need for fussing. " She said with a grin.

They continued to look at their children in amazement and Tharion even dared to kiss the baby girl's cheek.

"Now answer my previous question." Evanora said excitedly.

The twins smiled at each other and returned their gazes on their kids.

My little champ.
My little princess.


Hi guys! \(^▽^)/

I'm back with a new chapy! I hope enjoyed it!

I'm sorry if these last few updates have been a bit slow. I'm trying to prepare a little something for you guys before this book ends, but I'm struggling lol

I really want to show it right after the last chapy of this book is published, but with how things are going right now, I don't know if I'll make it (ಥ⌣ಥ)

I'll try my best, but until then, see you in the next chapy! Bye bye~

𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓲 💕

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